Coasting v. Power Braking

The procedures of the Coasting v. Power Braking required the team to execute two different code segments, one to test the coasting sequence (Coast), and one to power brake (PowerBrake). After executing two test runs for each method, the graphs would be observed to determine the most efficient method for the AEV.

However, these operations did not go as planned as a result of AEV issues. These issues were first captured during the first AR&D, and were significantly altering the collection of data. The team, along with the help of TAs/GTA, have possibly found the root of the issue, either the reflectance sensors or reflectance tape. One specific test-run was set for the AEV to go the desired distance for the coasting sequence, but ended up traveling significantly further. The Data Recorder showed the AEV going even further than it actually did, leaving the team with invalid results for the entirety of the AR&D procedure.