Layering Space: Process


For the beginning of this assignment, I collected different sceneries that I found interesting and spaces that had multiple layers to explore.

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This exercise taught me how to hide images within a form by using positive and negative spaces. I began by making a list of things that I like which helped me explore further into the shape. Using my middle initial, R, I created a scenery of the beach which is a place I love to be at.

View other exercise 1 iterations


After exploring all of my options, I chose to do nostalgic points within St. Louis as my main scenery areas.

In illustrator, I explored different ways to communicate the city of St. Louis while still using the same elements.

I chose to go with the Ted Drewes ice cream cup as my main element and began changing the arrangement of layers.

Concept Statement

My goal for this project was to communicate space by layering components to create a sense of depth. I wanted each image to have a background, middle ground, and foreground so I could experiment with different perspectives. By researching images based on a specific theme in mind, I was able to narrow down my ideas. My intention was to compose a space that I connected to and that I can visualize the best. This would allow me to give meaning behind the placement of the elements in my composition. Using points throughout St.Louis that are nostalgic created a variety of elements to explore. Having the layers overlap one another and selecting a certain value scale, helped bring emphasis to the little details. These little details are outlines that are significant to what area I am communicating within St. Louis. From the start of the project, it was important to me that each layer would stand out on its own, which I did by having each one lower than the one behind it. I was able to bring the whole composition together by placing the Ted Drewes ice cream cone on top of the layers, while also having the layers look like ice cream.


Page selections

Setting up vector files

View each individual layer

Final construction

Final Layering

Overall, I really enjoyed the freedom we had throughout this whole assignment. Starting from exercise 1 we were told to design a composition that communicated something about ourself which is something that I always have fun with. So I took that idea into my final composition by designing a space that I know the best and feel comfortable in. I was also introduced to the cricut which is a new tool that I adapted to fast and hope to use in future assignments. Although in the beginning I struggled with visualizing how the layers would be cut out physically, I was able to visualize it better once I looked at each layer by itself. The part that I wish I focused on the most was my construction but in the end, I am really happy with how my final composition came together.

Portfolio Project

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