Volunteers Needed- Report Card Conference

A message from Darren Carrington, site coordinator at Mifflin High School:

We will be conducting quarterly report card conferences with our ninth through twelfth grade students. We are looking for business and community leaders that are willing to come speak with individual students about their second quarter report card. Report card conferences will take place as follows:

Wednesday April 5th
Session 1: 8:00am to 12 noon
Session 2: 12:30pm to 2:30pm

If any volunteers could attend any of these times and dates that would be great. Although the sessions are broken down in two-hour time slows, volunteers can come and go as they please, we ask for at least 30 minutes. We will provide a brief training on how the conferences are to be conducted prior to the start of each session, so please arrive 15 minutes early.

At the report card conference, students will bring the seated volunteers their report card from the second quarter of grading. The volunteers will go over the report card with the students, giving suggestions on ways to improve their grades (if needed). Suggestions can be as simple as set aside more study time. If the student is on track, just a positive word, “keep up the good work” would work. These meetings last 3-5 minutes each.

If you can attend, please confirm your attendance by emailing me at dcarrington@ciskids.org.

Scholarship Application Reviewers Needed

Each year the College of Education and Human Ecology has hundreds of students apply for EHE Scholarships. As such, each student completes several essays which are reviewed by individuals from around the College. This year we invite you to be part of the process as an undergraduate student scholarship essay reviewer. As a member of our college I hope you will consider this opportunity as you would be doing the College a great service and this is a great way to give back to students who are a key part of our purpose. 

If you would like to participate in the undergraduate awarding process as an undergraduate student essay reviewer please complete the following application by February 10, 2017 http://go.osu.edu/ehereviewer

If you participate we expect to send out the applications for review by February 17, 2017 and would like them back by March 10, 2017

Any questions or concerns please contact me at piazza.18@osu.edu.

Columbus South High School Diplomas Now Program

Check out this great opportunity with Columbus South High School.

A message from William K. Ragland II:

Good Morning Business and Community Leaders,

I hope this email finds you well. My name is William K. Ragland II and I am the School Transformation Facilitator at Columbus South High School working with the Diplomas Now program. Diplomas Now is a proven approach that helps the toughest middle and high schools in America’s largest cities ensure that every student graduates ready for college or career. It is the first fully integrated approach that improves a school’s curriculum and instruction, while it provides the right students with the right support at the right time. The Diplomas Now partnership is comprised of Talent Development Secondary (a program of Johns Hopkins University), City Year, and Communities in Schools. Our goal at South is to increase attendance rates, decrease behavior infractions, and increase course passage rates beginning with students in the seventh grade.

South is in the fifth and final year of implementation of the Diplomas Now program. At the end of the 2012-2013 school year, South High School promoted 98% of its freshmen class to the 10th grade on track. This is a 93% increase from the previous year. Of 44 schools in 12 cities nationwide implementing the Diplomas Now school turn around model, South quietly earned Diplomas Now High School of the Year honors last year because of its efforts. During the 2013-2014 South High School 10th grade students scored remarkably well on the Ohio Graduation Test. We saw double digit gains in every subject tested, including thirty-percent gains in reading and writing respectively. We also promoted 90% of our freshman to 10th grade on time. South High School was awarded the prestigious Straight “A” Fund Grant from the Ohio Department of Education. Our first cohort (2016) of Diplomas Now students graduated last school year. Eighty-eight percent of the graduating class had experienced the Diplomas Now program for three or more years. Our graduation class ranked among the top 10 high schools in the district. Our Freshman Matriculation last school year rate ranked among the top 5 high schools in the district.

As a part of the Diplomas Now program we will be conducting quarterly report card conferences with our seventh through twelfth grade students. We are looking for business and community leaders that are willing to come speak with individual students about their second quarter report card. Our second quarter report card conference will take place on January 26th , 2017 from 8:00- 10:30am in the school cafeteria. You do not have to stay the entire time if you have other conflicts; any time you can give is greatly appreciated. I will provide a brief training on how the conferences are to be conducted beginning at 8:00am on January 26th.

If you can attend please confirm your attendance by emailing me at wragland@jhu.edu or calling me at 614-365-5541 ext. 223. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns. Please share this invite with any of your friends or colleagues that may be interested in attending.

At the end of 2016-2017 school year, the Diplomas Now program as currently constituted will be leaving South High School. I would like to “Thank you” all for your support of the program and most importantly your support of the students at South High School.

I know this invite is later than I usually send it. I just returned from paternity leave. I hope you can still make it.

Thank you for reading this email. Together we will make a difference at South High School and in Columbus!


William K. Ragland II

School Transformation Facilitator, Columbus OH

Talent Development Secondary

2701 N. Charles Street

Baltimore, MD 21218

Phone:  (614)-365-5541

Cell:  (614) 348-6664

Email:  wragland@jhu.edu

Web: www.tdschools.org

The Season of Giving

The Department of Educational Studies is collecting donations for OSU Star House– an organization that helps meet the needs of homeless youth in the Columbus area. Please consider donating any of the items listed on the flyer by Monday 12/19.


Call for Volunteers! Speakers for the ProSem Course on Nov. 30th

Dear Graduate Student in Educational Studies,


I am writing to invite you to   to participate in the proseminar class, “Graduate Student Confidential” Many of you may remember this class from your own proseminar experience and how helpful it was. I am writing to ask those of you who are a few years into your program to share what you have learned with your first-year colleagues.


The class is on Nov. 30 from 7:10-9:48 in Ramseyer 059


As the faculty instructor, I will not be present so that you all can talk with ease. JP Oehrtman, the course Graduate Teaching Assistant will be organizing and leading this class. Please reply directly to him at oehrtman.4@buckeyemail.osu.edu. We would like to get a diverse group of students there from various programs and at various stages of doctoral studies pre and post-candidacy.


Please email JP and let him know if you’re interested and include:


Your full name

Your program area (e.g. HESA, EPP, ESPHE etc)

Year in the program and whether your are pre or post candidacy.



Thank you so much for considering and helping out your colleagues. Your  participation is a critical component of this class.




Antoinette Errante

Reviewers Needed! 2016 Fall Undergraduate Research Forum

The Undergraduate Research Office and University Libraries’ 10th Annual Fall Undergraduate Research Student Poster Forum, will be held on Thursday, September 15, 2016, in the Buckeye Reading Room at Thompson Library. This is not a judged forum with awards, but provides an opportunity for student presenters to showcase their summer research as well as gain valuable presentation experience. Graduate and professional students from all disciplines are needed to provide reviews of 2-3 posters. Students are eager to receive formal feedback about their posters and oral presentations and discuss their research with others. This could be a great mentoring experience for you as well!


The Forum will feature three poster sessions throughout the day:

Session 1:      11:00 am-12:30 pm

Session 2:      12:45 pm-2:15 pm

Session 3:      2:30 pm-4:00pm


Students from a variety of disciplines will be presenting their work during each session. Please choose the session that is most convenient for your schedule.  We encourage you to volunteer for as many sessions that your schedule will allow.


If you are available to volunteer, please complete the online form by Wednesday, September 7. Our office will contact you at a later date with your assigned projects.


Feel free to contact Amanda Perrin at perrin.42@osu.edu if you have any questions.


Thank you!


The Undergraduate Research Office