WANTED: 2016-2017 Methodological Colloquium Presenters

Methodological Colloquium Announcement 2016Sent on behalf  of Dr. Gugiu:


Hi everyone. With fall fast approaching it is time to plan for this year’s Methodological Colloquium series. The last 2.5 years have been very successful. In total, there have been 50 presentations, which were attended by a total of over 200 distinct faculty, students, and staff. Let’s keep the ball rolling.


I am soliciting presenters for the 26 time slots available for this year’s colloquium series (see attached schedule). I am looking for faculty, graduate students, and research scientists who would like to present on a methodological topic of their interest. I am interested in presentations that focus on either qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods. Any innovative methods that you or your colleagues are working on would be of great interest to our group of attendees. If you are interested in presenting or would like to suggest the name of a presenter, please email Dr. Cristian Gugiu (gugiu.2@osu.edu).Methodological Colloquium Announcement 2016

AE 7767: Critical Analysis of Multicultural Art Education–New AUTUMN 2016 Course

This course will guide students through an exploration of theories as they relate to critical multiculturalism. Some theories include, but are not limited to critical theory, critical race theory, and postcolonial theory. Together, we will discuss literature, contemporary art (performance and visual), visual culture and film that investigate issues around topics such as race, class, gender, sexual orientation and others. We will identify and conceptualize the intersections of these categories and their impact on economy, politics and justice. Students will explore the implications of the aforementioned theories and sociocultural intersections as they relate to the world of Art, including Arts education, Arts management and Arts policy.  This course goes beyond art education and can be appreciated by students in varying fields.

Critical Mult. flyer

NEW! Graduate Research Associateships in EHE Research Methodology Center (RMC)

Contact Sandy Reed.665@osu.edu or at 614-247-7787 for more information

GRA’s Needed in the RMC


The Research Methodology Center (RMC) is seeking doctoral students who are interested in a GRA position with our Center.  Appointments of 25% or 50% are available.


The mission of the RMC is to advance the design and conduct of high-quality research in education and human ecology.  To accomplish this mission, we conduct a wide variety of professional development (PD) events and provide consulting in research methodology for EHE faculty and graduate students.  GRAs hired by the RMC will be expected to provide consulting services, to assist in the administration of PD programming, and to contribute to RMC research.  Ideal candidates will possess advanced skills in research methodology, and will also bring some combination of experience/skills in social media marketing, database management, project management, desktop publishing, and/or data analytics.


The RMC welcomes diversity in all areas – including diverse methodologies.  If you are passionate about methods and would like to pursue that passion with the RMC, please contact Sandy Reed at reed.665@osu.edu or 614-247-7787.



Holmes Scholarship Applications DUE September 1, 2016

News from EHE ODI


Dear Students,


The EHE Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement sponsors students to participate in the annual Holmes Scholars Initiative, which is a program through the American Association of Colleges for Teachers Education (AACTE). The AACTE Holmes Scholars Program supports traditionally underrepresented doctoral students who are pursuing careers in education at AACTE member institutions. This program provides a number of resources and networking opportunities for participating doctoral students, including: professional development, mentorship, peer and faculty support, and other opportunities that prepare doctoral students to assume leadership and faculty positions upon receiving the doctorate degree.


EHE Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement is accepting applicants for the 2016-2017 academic year. If you are interested in becoming a recipient, complete the Holmes Scholarship App_2016 and submit all required materials by September 1, 2016. Any applications submitted after the deadline will not be accepted.


For questions, please contact Ryann Randall at EHE_ODI@osu.edu.






EHE Office of Diversity, Inclusion, and Community Engagement

College of Education & Human Ecology
163 Arps Hall | 1945 N High Street Columbus, OH 43210
Office: 614-292-1936



DANCE 7402: Dance in Times of Turbulence- Autumn 2016

Looking for an elective?  Contact Dr. Eliot.4@osu.edu for more information.

Dance 7402: Dance in Times of Turbulence

Prof. Karen Eliot                                    MW 8:30-10:05am           (4 units)

Covers developments in western theatrical dance in Western Europe and Russia from the late fifteenth century until the end of World War I and the death of Diaghilev in 1929 (. i.e. the court ballet, ballet d’action, romanticism, classicism, modernism).  Particular emphasis will be placed on major developments in western dance including, for instance, the transition from court to proscenium stage and the changing relationship to the dancing body. We will read some original writings by dance theoreticians, including Noverre and Fokine, and some of the early dance masters

A Big Welcome!


We appreciate you visiting the Office of Student Services and Graduate Studies blog. In addition to information provided on the department’s website, this blog is a way to connect graduate students to our services and learn more about what it means to be a student in Educational Studies. Whether you are seeking to obtain a degree or looking to complete one of our licensure/endorsement programs, we are definitely here to help. Be sure to stay up-to-date with the latest news and information from our office and the department. Looking forward to connecting with you!