4-H Still Project Judging – July 9

4-H Still Project Judging
July 9,2024 at Defiance K of C Hall

4-H Interview Grade Guidelines

Judges will be using the following guidelines when determining project grades.  Please keep this in mind as you prepare your project for judging.

  • Member will receive an “A” if they meet all the project requirements.
  • Member will receive a “B” if they meet only some of the requirements and/or forget project books.
  • Member will receive a “C” if they do not meet any of the requirements.

Project Note: Member projects cannot be a school or home school project.  A reminder that 4-H projects must be different than projects which have received a grade at school.  A member may not use a Science Fair project, Family Consumer Sciences project, Art project, etc. for a  4-H project.

Benefits of/Reasons for Interview Judging

  1. The educational 4-H project experience and the keeping of accurate, up-to-date records.
  2. Gains interview skills and builds self esteem and poise.
  3. Provides the opportunity to share what has been learned.
  4. Provides members with feedback on their projects.
  5. Provides balance for knowledge gained regardless of the features of the finished product.

Interview Judging Guidelines

  1. Interview judging of all projects is required for 4-H members; those not participating will be automatically graded incomplete.
  2. Members must bring their completed project book and records to judging.
  3. Members must complete all project requirements as outlined in the Defiance County 4-H Handbook.
  4. Consideration in judging will be given for member’s age, number of years in the same project or project area and any handicaps or learning disabilities.

Tips for 4-H Judging

  1. Be well groomed. Don’t chew gum.
  2. Use good posture. Sit and stand straight and tall.
  3. Be polite and use your best manners.
  4. Be prepared by talking about your project. Know what you did, how you did it, what you learned and what you might do differently the next time.
  5. When answering the judge’s questions, speak clearly and loudly enough for the judge to hear your answers.
  6. During your interview, look directly at the judge. Give him/her your full attention.  Don’t be distracted by other people or noises around you.
  7. Thank the judge when the interview is finished. Remember, the real purpose of judging is sharing and learning.
  8. Be pleasant and confident. Smile and be enthusiastic!
  9. Be proud of your accomplishments!! You worked hard to earn them.



We currently have 32 youth/adults who have signed up to be in this special livestock show in 2024.
We only have 16 mentors signed up. We need more volunteers.

BLUE RIBBON CLASSIC – Animal and Me Program

Animal & Me Livestock Show
August 21, 2024 @ 4:30 pm
Main Show Arena

The 2nd Annual Blue-Ribbon Classic (Animal & Me Show) will be held on Wed., Aug 21, 2024 in the main show arena.   This heart-warming event provides an opportunity for individuals with special needs to experience what it’s like to exhibit an animal at the fair. Participants will work with Jr. Fair Exhibitors (that’s you!) and your animal to participate in a special livestock show to share what they have learned. The animal options include: goats, sheep, rabbits and feeder calves. We will also need volunteers to help day of show.

Currently, we are looking for Jr. Fair exhibitors to serve as mentors for this experience. Preferences will be given to mentors who are in the 6th grade and up and have taken their livestock animal for at least 2 years. Your role as mentor will be to work with the special needs individual and teach them about how to care for your animal, as well as how to safely and properly show your animal at the fair. We know that your time is valuable, but we are expecting that you are able to meet with your Animal & Me partner at the dates listed below to ensure the most positive experience for all involved.

 Important 2024 Animal & Me Dates

  • Mentor/Mentee Meeting:     Thurs., August 1, 2024 @ 6;00 pm @ Fairgrounds Main Show Arena
  • Animal and Me Event:          Wed.,   August 21, 2024 @ 4:30 pm @ Main Show Arena, Meet mentee at 4:00 pm

Central Tagging – June 8 – NEW TIMES

IMPT: 2024 Livestock Tagging Update

Central Tagging – NEW UPDATE (4/11/2024):

  • Central Tagging will be June 8th from 7:00 am – 10:00 am in the Ext. Office Parking Lot.

  • NEW: Families with market animals not present at Central Tagging on June 8th will be charged a $50 farm visit and $10/tag which is payable up front.

  • Feeder Calves:Your feeder calf must be present at tagging, EVEN if your animal already has an EID tag. Feeder calves will also receive a vaccine – cost is $2.00.

  • Swine: Your animal must be present at tagging, EVEN if your animal already has an EID tag. Pig Catch must attend tagging.

  • Rabbits:  All rabbits in possession (breeding and roasters) will come to Central Tagging.

  • Sheep & Goats: Only market sheep and market goats.  Essay Lambs must attend tagging.

  • Poultry: Poultry does not come to tagging

Important 4-H Horse Update

Horse Resources Page:  https://u.osu.edu/defiance4h/horse-resources/

Ohio 4-H Horse Update ~ 2024   Changes for Ohio 4-H Horse Projects

EquiSTEP – Equine Safety Course Requirement (Counts for Horse Q.A.)

  • Available online at EquiSTEP   
  • Each participant will need their own unique email address and most school email accounts will
    block messages from outside of the school district.  If a member has previously enrolled in EquiSTEP, they will not need to re-enroll
  • Defiance County 4-H horse projects must complete by June 1, 2024.
  • This course counts for the Horse Quality Assurance Requirement.  If taking another animal project, must complete Livestock Quality Assurance.
  • The 3 most common errors why the certificate is not received are 1) the person types their own email address incorrectly, 2) they select the wrong county from the dropdown box so the certificate is sent to the wrong county email inbox, and 3) the person does not click on the submit button/arrow when they are done and exits out of the survey.

HORSE FORMS – Due June 1


Central Tagging June 8th

IMPT: 2024 Livestock Tagging Update

Central Tagging – NEW UPDATE (4/11/2024):

  • Central Tagging will be June 8th from 7:00 am – 10:00 am in the Ext. Office Parking Lot.

  • NEW: Families with market animals not present at Central Tagging on June 8th will be charged a $50 farm visit and $10/tag which is payable up front.

  • Feeder Calves: Your feeder calf must be present at tagging, EVEN if your animal already has an EID tag. Feeder calves will also receive a vaccine – cost is $2.00.

  • Swine:  Your animal must be present at tagging, EVEN if your animal already has an EID tag.

  • Rabbits:  All rabbits in possession (breeding and roasters) will come to Central Tagging.

  • Sheep & Goats: Only market sheep and market goats

  • Poultry:  Poultry does not come to tagging