Bulk Turkey Order due March 14, 2025

A reminder that all 4-H and FFA members exhibiting turkeys at the Defiance County Fair must order their market turkeys through the Extension Office.

  • Cooper Farms will provide 5 free poults.
  • Exhibitor may choose any combination of hens, toms or straight run.
  • Exhibitor may purchase additional poults
  • Hens /$3.50, Toms/$4.25 and Straight Run/$3.88)
  • Pick up is April 17th at the Extension Office from 1-4:30 pm

Call the Defiance County Extension Office at 419-782-4771 to order.

First Livestock Quality Assurance is Feb 12

2025 Livestock Quality Assurance Dates
Please make sure to get a date on your calendar. Youth in NW Ohio may attend any of the dates listed.

  1. Defiance Co youth do not need to register for in-person sessions.
  2. You must register for the Zoom sessions AND/OR any session you are attending OUTSIDE of Defiance County.
  3. The 4-H Educator will verify your attendance with your county.

QA for these animals from Fairview Young Farmers will be April 15 at 6:30 pm at Fairview Elementary.  Siblings are also welcome to attend for the QA credit.

Defiance Co 4-H Enrollment due Mar 31

Join 4-H

New and returning 4-H members have until March 30, 2025 to register and select projects through 4-H Online.  We ask that you register as soon as possible in order to help with communication.  You can register by visiting oh.4honline.com.

  • All returning families have an account so please use the e-mail address and password that was used last year.
  • New families will need to set up their account.  For help with registration, please call 419-782-4771  or e-mail Chris Comden at comden.1@osu.edu 

Enrollment Information

Winning 4-H Plan Request Form
This is an accommodation plan for 4-H members with any type of disability taking 4-H Project.

Ohio 4-H membership is based on a child’s age AND grade as of January 1 of the current calendar year. Eligibility for Cloverbud participation begins when a child is age 5 and enrolled in kindergarten. Eligibility for participation in 4-H projects and competitive events begins when a child is age 8 and in third grade. Any youth age 9 or above is eligible for project membership, regardless of grade level. A youth’s 4-H eligibility ends December 31 the year he/she turns 19.

General Information


Essay Lamb Contest

Win a Free Lamb for your 4-H Project by writing about why you want to take a lamb to the Defiance County Fair.

Essay Sponsor:       Fairview Young Farmers
Essay Due Date:     April 1, 2025
Email essay:            Teresa Johnson: johnson.1389@osu.edu  OR
On-Line Application:  https://go.osu.edu/essaylamb

Essay Contest Guidelines:



  • NEW: Must attend project clinic on Tuesday April 15th at 6:30 pm at Fairview Elementary.
  • This will also count for Livestock Quality Assurance requirement.
  • Siblings are welcome to attend for credit.
  1. Open to 4-H members when child is age 8 AND in third grade, or when child who is age 9 or above regardless of grade level.  Also open to FFA members.       
  2. New Sheep Projects Only: Entrants who have shown sheep at the Defiance County Fair in previous years are not eligible.
  3. Entrants must be able to provide facilities to house and feed a lamb.
  4. Entrants must be enrolled in a Defiance County 4-H Club or FFA Chapter and enrolled in a Lamb Project.
  5. Must complete Quality Assurance and a Livestock Skill-a-thon.
  6. Must show the lamb at the County Fair the same year. Essay winners from previous years are ineligible
  7. Essay Length:  Minimum of 100 Words  “Why do you want to take a sheep project to the Fair?”
  8. Essay must include member name and age. Essays must also be signed at the bottom by the entrant and parent/guardian.

General Information

  1. The Lamb Essay is under the guidance of the Fairview Young Farmers. A limited number of lambs will be given out.  Selection will be based on essay content.
  2. Fairview Young Farmers transfers all liability associated with the animal to the winner at the time of pick up. In the event the animal dies, Fairview Young Farmers will not replace the animal or allow the winner to re-enter the competition the following year.
  3. Winners will be notified in writing and given a date/location to pick up lamb.
  4. Members will enter the Lamb Essay class at the Defiance County Junior Fair and are eligible for all premiums. Must meet the minimum weight 90 pounds to be eligible to show at the Fair.
  5. The grand champion market lamb class will be comprised of the division winners from the market lamb and essay lamb classes.

2025 4-H Enrollment is OPEN

New and returning 4-H members have until March 30, 2025 to register and select projects through 4-H Online.  We ask that you register as soon as possible in order to help with communication.  You can register by visiting oh.4honline.com.

  • All returning families have an account so please use the e-mail address and password that was used last year.
  • New families will need to set up their account.  For help with registration, please call 419-782-4771  or e-mail Chris Comden at comden.1@osu.edu 

Enrollment Information

Winning 4-H Plan Request Form
This is an accommodation plan for 4-H members with any type of disability taking 4-H Project.

Ohio 4-H membership is based on a child’s age AND grade as of January 1 of the current calendar year. Eligibility for Cloverbud participation begins when a child is age 5 and enrolled in kindergarten. Eligibility for participation in 4-H projects and competitive events begins when a child is age 8 and in third grade. Any youth age 9 or above is eligible for project membership, regardless of grade level. A youth’s 4-H eligibility ends December 31 the year he/she turns 19.

General Information



2025 Livestock Quality Assurance Dates

2025 Livestock Quality Assurance Dates
Please make sure to get a date on your calendar. Youth in NW Ohio may attend any of the dates listed.

  1. You must register for the Zoom sessions and any session you are attending OUTSIDE of Defiance County.
  2. The 4-H Educator will verify your attendance with your county.

QA for these animals from Fairview Young Farmers will be April 15 at 6:30 pm at Fairview Elementary.  Siblings are also welcome to attend for the QA credit.