Instrument Status 6.13.2014

This information is also available on your user page in FOM.


250 MHz (NMR-Thyme) – Available for all experiments. (1H, 13C, 11B, 31P).  If you need to run a 11B or 31P, please contact the NMR manager for simple instructions.

400 MHz AVIII SampleJet (NMR-Saffron) – Available.  Be sure to use snug caps and clean tubes.

400 MHz in 0083EL (NMR-Paprika) – Available.  Experiencing some spin problems which is not affecting data collection.

500 MHz (NMR-Nutmeg) – Available.  The magnet has a serious ice blockage which is not affecting data collection.  See comments for other intermittent issues.

300 MHz Solids (NMR-Garlic) – Available for sample submission.

Data processing PC (NMR-Basil) – Available.

Topspin License server (NMR-02) – Available.

500 MHz – TCU Issue

The DRX500 is experiencing an intermittent issue.  You may have noticed over the past several months a TCU timeout error after attempting a wobb, rga, or zg command.  Or, one of these acquisition seems to never start running.  Typically, after the TCU error, if you retype the command, the acquisition will begin.  If the acquisition does not start, you may close the XWIN-NMR program completely and reopen.  When closing the program – your current point in the acquisition process is retained so that you do not need relock/shim or reload the parameter set.

This error is extremely intermittent which requires time to test parts.  One board was replaced already and the issue is persisting.  It is important to let the NMR manager know if you experience this issue and are not able to proceed with your experiment.