“Who are You Talking To?” Tuesday-Rachael Ramsier, Professor

By: Emily Bookless

Rachael RamsierRachael Ramsier is an associated faculty and program coordinator for the Agricultural Communication, Education, and Leadership (ACEL) program at Ohio State ATI.

She completed her associate degree in Agriscience Education at Ohio State ATI before finishing her bachelor’s degree at the Columbus campus. She later completed a Master of Arts in Educational Leadership and Administration at The Ohio State University. Now, she is working on her PhD through the ACEL department at OSU.

“Some of my best memories started on the ATI campus, and I made friends for life,” said Ramsier. “I have always felt the ACEL program was home to me, and I am so grateful for the opportunities the department has given me.”

Her advice to those in the ACEL program is to gain experience in the agricultural industry and not limit yourself to only taking internships that might be in a classroom or extension office. She recommends pulling from real life experiences in agriculture to inspire and teach your youth, whether it be in the classroom or in a 4-H youth development setting.

Ramsier’s advice for incoming freshmen is to explore the ATI campus by taking advantage of the opportunities you have to learn and grow. “The best advice given to me from my parents was to live on campus. At the time we lived in dorms across the road, which was awesome,” said Ramsier. Ohio State ATI now has an apartment village on campus, which has replaced that residence hall. Her favorite part of being a faculty member is connecting and interacting with students.

Ramsier balances her work by hanging out with family, exploring the outdoors, raising livestock, and helping her children with their 4-H projects.

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