In The Field Friday: Logan Pope

Logan Pope: Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center

Logan Pope, a second-year Animal Sciences major, has found her passion through her internship. Her experiences started during her first year at Ohio State ATI in a student position at CFAES Wooster’s Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center. As a research-based assistant, Logan was pushed out of her comfort zone; however, she quickly learned that research would be something she loved doing. 

Logan landed her internship by simply asking her professor, Dr. Chanhee Lee, if there were any opportunities that would allow her to stay at the Wooster Campus for the summer. He quickly came up with a project for her, which is primarily conducted through the Krauss Dairy Facility. Her current project involves in vitro testing where she collects rumen samples from dairy cattle, adds different feeds or treatments, incubates them, and then analyzes the samples over a 24-hour period. 

During the spring semester, Logan had the opportunity to attend the Tri-State Dairy Nutrition Conference in Fort Wayne, IN, where she presented research from a graduate student project she assisted with. Logan is excited to share that she will be able to attend the conference next year to present her own research, which she is conducting during her summer internship. She also reports that through her internship, she is gaining many laboratory skills as well as presentation and cattle-handling skills. 

So far Logan’s experience has been one full of learning and laughs. Her piece of advice to incoming and current students is, “Get into research if you have the opportunity! This was something that truly scared me when I started, and some things still do, but the knowledge I have gained is so worth it. Get out of your comfort zone, because if it scares you, it’s probably worth doing.” 

Student Spotlight: Alyssa Kiefer

Alyssa Kiefer: College Survival Tips

College can be an exciting and transformative time in your life, but it can also be overwhelming and stressful. Between juggling classes, extracurricular activities, and social life, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with your responsibilities. However, with a little planning and organization, you can not only survive college, but thrive. Here are some tips to start considering before entering this exciting new chapter in your life:  

Scheduling: A key strategy in college is time management. During your time in college, you will find student groups or hobbies that pique your interest. This goes without mentioning: time for classes and homework has to take priority or precedence over hobbies. After a while, you might become overwhelmed by the amount of work that needs to be done. Buying a planner or creating a digital calendar can help you keep track of class schedules, study sessions, and, of course, the fun that comes after you hit the books. This will help you avoid cramming and last-minute assignments and allow you to keep your days in line!  

Attending class: Attendance is crucial for success in college. Although sleeping-in and daily naps are great, good grades and knowing what’s going on in class are great too. Attending class will help you stay engaged and focused on your coursework while also allowing you to receive materials and knowledge that is offered to you in class. Trust me, naps can wait.  

Organization: There are many ways to stay organized in college. Whether it’s using schedule planners or keeping a clean apartment, being organized will reduce stress and allow you to better focus on your studies. The benefits are endless when it comes to staying organized, and I promise it will help you when it comes to stressful weeks, such as finals week.  

Self-love: While at college, you are making advances and accomplishing huge milestones in your life. Give yourself some grace! Prioritizing your physical and mental health in college is essential to success. Doing simple things such as getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising regularly will not only help your body, but also your mind.  

Involvement: Joining a campus organization or having a campus job can help you meet new people, develop new skills, and add some balance to your academic workload. However, be careful not to overcommit yourself. Choose a few activities that you’re passionate about and make sure you still have time for studying and self-care!  

Asking for help: College can be challenging, but remember that you don’t have to go through it alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help from professors, advisors, and/or tutors if you’re struggling at any point. There are limitless opportunities for you at college. 

College is a time of growth and discovery, but it can easily push you to your limits. Coming from a college student, I can tell you that we all make mistakes, and it takes time to find what works best for you. It is important to stay true to yourself and your involvements. By incorporating new practices such as scheduling, organization, self-grace, and reaching out for help when needed, you can navigate the challenges of college and come out on top.  

In the Field Friday: Cory Boliantz

Meet One of Ohio State ATI’s Equine Entrepreneurs                                        Written by Hana Wagner

Ohio State ATI alumna Cory Boliantz grew up on her family’s farm. They had a wide variety of animals, but Cory spent most of her time with the horses. She was involved in 4-H growing up and would show her horses at the county fair. She graduated from Mapleton High School in Ashland, Ohio, and eventually majored in Horse Production and Management at Ohio State ATI. Right after her college graduation in 2009, she started her own business, Cory Boliantz Performance Horses 

Since 2009, Cory has had many young and upcoming riders in her program who have shown and trained horses under her influence. Since I have trained under Cory for the past 7-8 years, I decided to ask Cory a few questions about what her experiences were like at Ohio State ATI and how she has become successful in the equine industry:  

What exactly got Cory into the equine industry? 

Since her family has had horses for many years, Cory says it just became second nature. She has a deep passion for training and caring for horses, and she wanted to be able to make a professional—and a successful—career out of it! 

How did Ohio State ATI influence your future business? 

“ATI helped me by building a foundation of knowledge and experience to be able to work professionally with the people and animals in the industry,” she explained. 

What’s your favorite memory of ATI? 

Cory’s favorite memory is working in the equine breeding lab with Dr. Karen Wimbush as her professor. Along with making lifelong memories and friendships, Cory also made some very meaningful connections in the equine industry that she still uses.  

What are things you learned at ATI that you still use today as a professional in the equine industry?  

“A lot of stuff!” Cory continued: “A lot of the knowledge that I gained during my time at ATI, like daily care, health care, nutrition—it all plays a specific role in my daily life at the barn. I’ve incorporated a lot of that knowledge into my program.” 

Student Spotlight: Seth Richardson

Seth Richardson: How I Serve My Buckeye Community

On a night in October 2002, at the Pike Township Fire Department outside Springfield, OH, firefighters and dispatchers were waiting close by their radios. This wasn’t an emergency they were anticipating, though—rather, they were in preparation for some exciting news. Soon after, they finally received the message they had been eagerly waiting for over the dispatch radio. The Richardson Family, with more than four family members already serving in the fire department, welcomed a son to the family. The department gave a warm welcome over the radio and congratulated Mr. and Mrs. Richardson on their addition to the family. 

Since the day he was born, Seth Richardson has been a standout in the Pike Township “firehouse family.” With his dad serving in the department for 30+ years, mom serving for 10+ years, sister for 5+ years, and two uncles serving as captain and chief, Seth had a deep connection to the world of firefighting. Growing up, he says he was always playing around the firehouse and helping, from cleaning trucks and moving supplies, to riding shotgun during parades and joining as a cadet for 6 years. 

Seth, now a second-year Agriscience Education major at Ohio State ATI, has completed his Firefighter Level 1 training at the Wayne County Regional Training Facility in Apple Creek, right next to the Ohio State ATI beef facility. He started in February 2023, and has completed various trainings in structural fires, auto accident extraction, general hazmat, and CPR/first aid—all in addition to his college coursework. Now that he has received his certification, Seth plans to volunteer at the Wooster Township Fire Department upon returning to school in the fall, which serves OSU ATI’s Applewood Village and the surrounding community.

When asked why he stuck with it all these years, Seth said that he wanted to help his community in the way that he knew best. “I love it; it’s in my blood. It takes a certain kind of person to jump into a burning building with no hesitation.” 

In the Field Friday: Andrew Baker

Andrew Baker: Walker Farms Inc.

This week’s In the Field Friday features second-year student Andrew Baker. Originally from Maineville, OH in Warren County, Baker is completing his internship with Walker Farms Inc. Like many Agricultural Systems Management majors, he chose to work with a commodity farm. While he does operate machinery and learn about agricultural logistics, there are a couple unique aspects to Andrew’s job that not many ASM interns get to experience.

One of Andrew’s passions both in and outside of work is drone piloting. His love for agriculture and photography pushed him to incorporate the hobby into his career this year. Andrew recently completed the Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate, which qualifies him to be able to operate on the farm. He is currently working towards the next certification for drone application of chemicals, which he stated was for “…pretty much crop dusting, but with drones.”

Another unique aspect to Andrew’s internship, and a large part of his personal brand, is his YouTube channel called OhioAgVideos. Part blog, part videography page, Andrew displays his drone photography skills through independent projects and collaborations. He also manages a Discord, Instagram, and TikTok page linked to the OhioAgVideos campaign. His experience with drone photography and videography is what ultimately inspired him to transfer his skills into the workplace.

When asked what advice he had for incoming students, Andrew said: “If given an opportunity to do something that could be big for your future, don’t wait, go for it!”