“Who are You Talking To?” Tuesday-Hannah Zimmerman, CFAES Prospective Student Services Coordinator

Hannah Zimmerman is the Prospective Student Services Coordinator for the College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). She works at the Columbus campus of The Ohio State University. The admissions counselors here at Ohio State ATI work closely with Hannah as Ohio State ATI is also part of CFAES. We are the campus located in Wooster, Ohio.

In her role Hannah helps students find their place within the university and choose a major that is going to align with their dreams and goals. She can talk to students about the opportunities they have both on the Wooster and Columbus campuses. She says, “Being available to answer any questions students have and assist them through the process of calling OSU home brings forth lots of excitement!”

Hannah’s biggest advice for prospective students is to be involved with the recruitment opportunities the college or university is hosting! She explains, “Attending different events, webinars, or student panels will help you get a sense for the school you are interested in and help you see if it is going to be the best fit for you. Talk to current students and take time to explore the campus, the school website, and the different events offered to make sure you will be happy while you are a student.”

Ohio State ATI is currently hosting many different webinars with topics ranging from admissions overviews, housing, financial aid, conversations with current Buckeyes, and programs about our different majors. Dates and recordings of these webinars are available on our website.  Check back often as we are in the process of adding more webinars to the calendar!

“Who are You Talking To?” Tuesday-Ella Lorentz, Admissions Counselor and Orientation Coordinator

For current high school seniors, it is time to start making those decisions about where you are going to go to school in the fall. Once you have applied, been admitted, and paid your acceptance fee, it is time to register for orientation!

Since the safety of Buckeye Nation is our top priority, we have made the decision to suspended face-to-face interaction and move all fall 2020 orientation programs to a virtual format.  The orientation team at Ohio State ATI is working diligently to create a program that will encompass everything you would have learned while on campus.

Here to help assist with the orientation process is Ella Lorentz.  Ella is an Admissions Counselor and the Orientation Coordinator at Ohio State ATI where she has been working for six years. Students can contact her with questions about placement testing and what to expect the day of orientation.

When asked what some of the benefits of orientation are, Ella stated, “Orientation is the perfect step before fall semester to get connected with faculty and staff. You will register for classes with the professor who will be your academic point of contact during your time at Ohio State ATI; they want you to be successful and will have great advice for your academic career. Presentations from housing, financial aid, and other offices on campus will also be given during orientation. Make sure to send in questions to each presenter as they also want to make sure you are successful outside of the classroom. Above all else, make sure to take everything in with an open mind and don’t be nervous – everyone is new at this, but we are in it together and want your Buckeye career to start with your best foot forward.”

Ella loves to see our students grow over their time at Ohio State ATI. From orientation to graduating or transitioning on to the Columbus campus, she is able to witness a lot of personal and academic growth. She and the rest of Ohio State ATI would love to meet you, so once you have paid your acceptance fee, register for orientation!


All communications and updates regarding your virtual orientation will be sent to your OSU email account, so please make it a point to check it routinely.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us at atiorientation@osu.edu or by phone at 330-287-1305.

“Who are You Talking To?” Tuesday-Amy Jo Baughman, CFAES Director of Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving

Ohio State ATI is the Wooster Campus of The Ohio State University and part of the College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). Within CFAES there are many close working relationships between the Columbus and Wooster campuses. One such relationship is with Amy Jo Baughman, who works on the Columbus Campus as the CFAES Director of Alumni Engagement and Annual Giving.

In her role with alumni, Amy Jo says, “Once you become a Buckeye, you’re a Buckeye for life no matter which Ohio State campus you choose. Just as the university and college offer resources to students, once a student becomes an alumnus, there are many resources available through the OSU Alumni Association and CFAES to support them as alumni! Things like career coaching, financial workshops, social events, alumni awards, community service, and more await future alums.”

Before beginning her role in the alumni office, Amy Jo worked in the CFAES Office of Prospective Student Services, so she has a lot of advice for prospective students! She says, “Choosing a college is all about finding the right fit for you, and a lot of factors go into that “right fit”—cost, housing, degree options, campus size, campus location, extracurricular opportunities, etc. It’s important to take the time to visit and see campuses for yourself.”

Currently, due to COVID-19, in-person visits to Ohio State ATI are not available as we prioritize the health and safety of our guests, students, faculty, and staff. However, we are working to bring Ohio State ATI to you through virtual weekly Admissions Overviews Fridays at 1:00 p.m. Tune in to learn about degree options, admission requirements, deadlines, and highlights of financial aid and campus life.  We are also hosting webinars about housing, financial aid, and steps of the admission process. Information about how to join these online conversations can be found here.  You can also schedule an individual visit with an admissions counselor and/or ATI faculty member over Zoom.

Although Amy Jo does not work on our campus, she is still part of our Ohio State ATI family! We would love for you to join that family as well!

“Who are You Talking To?” Tuesday-Caitlin Blake, Apartments Manager

Caitlin Blake has been Ohio State ATI’s Applewood Village Apartments Manager for two years. Ohio State ATI has apartment style living. This means that students have the opportunity to live in one, two, or three-bedroom apartments complete with a kitchen, living room, and bathroom. Caitlin’s role impacts our students by providing a safe and comfortable environment that helps them learn and grow and discover who they are outside of the classroom.

As far as advice, Caitlin is full of it! The following is all advice that Caitlin would give a prospective student!

  • College is a time to figure out who you are! Be open to learning new things, meeting new people, and making hard choices. She says, “Sometimes your plans or your major change, sometimes you find a hobby you are really passionate about, and a lot of times you figure out the person you want to become.”
  • Fill out your housing contract as early as possible. Information about your housing contract will come to your new Buckeyemail account.
  • Turn in your roommate groups by June 1. If you have certain people you know you want to live with, be sure to join their roommate group or create a group, and make sure that everything is in by June 1.
  • Don’t worry too much about where you end up getting placed in housing. She says, “You will have a chance to meet so many people and find your friends. Sometimes it is best to room with people you aren’t already close to, so you can still cherish the times you get to hang out together.”

 Caitlin’s favorite part about Ohio State ATI is our students. She loves working with students and hearing what they have learned in their classes. She also likes to see them take advantage of all that Ohio State ATI has to offer, including housing programs, events at the Student Activities Center, and on-campus organizations!

We would love for you to be part of our Buckeye family! Watch the video below to learn more about your potential home-away-from-home at Ohio State ATI!

Ohio State ATI – Housing: