Got stress? Go to the SAC!

by Hunter Sandwisch

Beginning college is an exciting and rewarding part of life, but I’ll admit it can be stressful. And if you focus only on studying all the time, you can begin to become so stressed that you don’t do as well as you should on your exams and tests. One of the things that I have found that helps me relieve stress is physical activity. There are many ways to get active on campus, whether it is working out in the weight room, playing pool, or even playing racquetball. However, my favorite way to get active on campus is through getting involved in intramural sports. Ohio State ATI offers three seasons of intramurals that last about 6 weeks each. In the fall we play softball, football, and volleyball; in the winter we have 3-on-3 basketball; and in the spring we do volleyball and 5-on-5 basketball.

This past fall, while I began to take my first midterm, I became very stressed. While all this stress was building up and I was studying every chance I had, I knew I needed a way to relieve some of that stress and have some fun while doing it. That is when some of my friends got together and made a football team. Quickly, I realized that I was enjoying my time out on the field and relieving stress at the same time. During intramurals, they have tournaments that follow the regular season. This year my football team won the championship, and my volleyball team fell just short in the championship game. After the seasons are over for most sports, our school’s winning team plays against the intramural champion from the College of Wooster.

The Student Activities Center holds all these intramural sports and many other activities as well. The Student Activities Center (SAC), is open 7 days a week and the times vary. One of the great things is that it is completely free of charge as long as you bring your BuckID. You are also allowed to bring a guest. The SAC has many events each week hosted by either the Student Activities Council or by Community Council. Some of these events are the homecoming dance, bull bash, game nights, craft nights, and glow-in-the-dark dodgeball. Not only are these activities held at the SAC but there is also free food offered at nearly every event—and what college kid doesn’t love free food!

The SAC also is a great place to do your homework or hang out in between classes if you don’t want to drive home or walk back to your apartment. The SAC is also great for commuters as there are lounges and locker rooms that are available to any BuckID holder free of charge. There are also TVs all around that you can hook any laptop or gaming system up to if you wish to watch a movie or play games while there.

College can be a stressful time in someone’s life. Something to keep in mind is that although studying is an essential part of success in college, you cannot perform to the best of your abilities if you are overly stressed. The best way that I have found to relieve my stress in my first year of college is through intramurals and getting involved in activity nights at the SAC. This is one of the ways to have fun and enjoy your time in college because the college years are the best years of your life, and it is no different here at Ohio State ATI!

10 Things Every Incoming Freshman Should Know About College

by Sophie Hoelscher

When I graduated from high school, I really didn’t have an idea of what to expect before college. I was excited to start, but I didn’t know the ways of Ohio State ATI, I didn’t know if I’d like my roommates, and I didn’t know how classes would be. The transition from high school to college may seem overwhelming because there are so many different things to keep in mind for your next chapter in life.

Sometimes it can be hard to get advice about what college is really like. Here are a few things I think every incoming freshman should keep in mind about college and Ohio State ATI to be as prepared as possible while moving into college:

Apply for every scholarship! 

The OSU ATI scholarship application is due February 1st. Most scholarship applications require simple essays. Although it may take some time and thought, there isn’t anything to lose, only something to (hopefully) gain.

Get to know your Academic Advisor.

Your academic advisor should be your right-hand man or woman. Anywhere from help with classes, life, scheduling, or references, academic advisors are always a helping hand. They can also open network opportunities!

Go to ALL your classes.

I know it’s tempting to skip those pesky 8 a.m. classes, but you’re paying for your education so be sure to make the most of it! Your professor may provide class participation points, attendance points, certain notes, and maybe even bonus points that might be available if you go to class. Your grade might depend on it.

Get involved!

Ohio State ATI has many opportunities to get involved. Through clubs, student activities, and jobs, there’s almost always something going on. So don’t stay in your apartment all day. Get out and make new friends!

Find a good calendar.

Whether it’s a physical calendar or online, put all your classes, exams, due dates, study times, and work times into a portable planner and keep it handy so you can always be aware of what’s going on. You don’t want to miss something important.

Try not to over pack.

A typical freshman apartment is a two-bedroom apartment for five people, so there isn’t much room for your ENTIRE closet from home. But if you really think you need that 5th pair of Twisted Xs at your apartment, find ways to organize your stuff to save space.

Make time for work and play.

College can be stressful, so don’t overwork yourself. Remember to make time for both school and personal life. Did you know that for every hour spent in class, you should spend two hours studying?

Naps are OK but not essential.

Use your extra time more productively. An occasional nap is okay, but don’t take one every chance you can get. Manage your time well and take advantage of your free time to study.

Learn how to cook.

You can’t live off ramen and chicken nuggets forever! Learning to cook can save money, but budget for going out to eat occasionally. There are some great places to eat in Wooster!

Don’t forget where you came from. As you form your new college life, don’t forget things that made you happy, your hometown, your high school, your county, or your home friends and family. They helped you get this far!

Throughout my first year at Ohio State ATI, I’ve learned a lot of things during class and out of class. Making sure I was prepared going into it helped me a lot. I think this is some advice about what college can really be like. Ohio State ATI is a melting pot of Ohio’s ag students. We all come from different walks along agriculture, but we are brought together because of one thing:  our love for agriculture. So go make friends and study hard! It’s up to you to make your freshman year amazing.

Diversity at Ohio State ATI

by Mickie Martin and Tonya Messam

The Ohio State ATI campus community is always changing, and one way it has changed positively is the increasingly diverse student body. In addition, ATI is cultivating a safe environment for people from all walks of life. There are many events focusing on diversity and new experiences on campus, and the RAs often plan fun events, like the one we had last semester focusing on Jamaican and Puerto Rican food and culture. There are also lots of events at the nearby College of Wooster and in the surrounding area.

Students can participate in clubs and organizations that help build programming to educate and celebrate diversity. Those include Cultivating Change and MANRRS (Minorities in Agriculture, Natural Resources, and Related Sciences). MANRRS helps connect students in agriculture who are underrepresented in the categories of race, ethnicity, religion, and sexuality. MANRRS creates opportunities for students to network and build essential skills for the workplace.

MANRRS is participating this year in an education abroad program entitled “Panama: Through the Lens of AgriCulture, Sustainability, and Diversity.” We’re very excited to see a different perspective of agriculture, learn a new culture, and experience economic differences firsthand. This study abroad program is where agriculture meets culture!

Here’s what MANRRS members have to say about their experiences:


  • I absolutely love being a MANRRS member. We have an amazing bond that makes me even more drawn to the group. No matter where we go, we are always having a fun time. On our trip to Illinois, we had a chance to network with professionals in our field while finding ways to be better professionals ourselves. They even had people critique our resumes to make them more attractive to future employers. This club celebrates diversity and is very inclusive, which makes it a very fun and positive club that I am proud to say I am a member of.


  • I really enjoyed getting to meet the partners there! Getting the chance and opportunity to meet people I might internship with or potentially get hired by was exciting. However, it was nerve racking at the same time!


  • This organization has allowed me to meet new people, make new laughter-filled memories, develop networking skills, travel, and have valuable discussions pertinent to our lives. I’m so glad I joined MANRRS.