Guide to Making the Most of Your Rising Senior Summer

By Kimber Carney

The summer before your senior year of high school can be an exciting and busy time. It’s important to think about your future college career and prepare for your upcoming senior year. Here is some helpful advice to help you to prepare for your future:

Start Finalizing Your College List

Making a pro-and-con list for each college can help you decide if it’s a contender in your search. I found it helpful to make a list that includes all the things you want in a college. You can compare each college you research to your list of wants and ask questions if you go on tours of different campuses.

Make a Scholarship Spreadsheet

I found it helpful to make a spreadsheet for all my scholarship information. My spreadsheet included the names of scholarships that I applied for, scholarships I still needed to apply for, whether I received the scholarship, and whether I sent a thank-you card. I also added a feature that totaled all the money I received from scholarships, which helped me keep track of my finances and stay motivated to apply for more. Here is a downloadable version of the spreadsheet for your use.

Visit Campuses

Visiting each campus that you are curious about can help you get a better sense of the community on campus, and it can help you see whether you can picture yourself going to college there. You can see things like dorms and dining halls in person which can help you get a better idea of what you are looking for in a college. Make sure you bring questions for your tour guide even if it is not about the tour itself. You can ask about clubs, student life, and events as well as their opinions and experiences of living on campus. If you have extra time to explore the surrounding town, you can get an idea of what is available off campus.

Ask First-Year College Students What They Did

If you know any incoming first-years, ask them for tips on what they did during the summer before their senior year. They might have more ideas to help you set yourself up for success and create less stress for you during your senior year. That way you can enjoy your last year of high school. It also may be helpful to ask some of your teachers before you get out of school for some extra tips and advice.

I wish you the best in your senior year. Make sure you enjoy it. I hope you find this advice helpful. Embrace the oncoming growing opportunities and use this time to build successful habits and organizational skills. Do not be afraid to reach out for help. Good Luck and Go Bucks!

Stepping Out of Comfort Zones

By Brayden Hayes

I’ve always believed that stepping out of your comfort zone leads to personal growth—and last summer, I got the chance to prove it when I took an internship at Heritage Cooperative. Although I was not required at that point to get an internship for class requirements, I decided to get one just to gain some real-world knowledge and try to find a career I enjoyed.  

My entire freshman year, my professors pushed me to get an internship. I began looking online and I eventually stumbled upon Heritage Cooperative. Heritage is the second largest cooperative in the state of Ohio. With that in mind, the closest location was an hour from my house. I took a leap of faith and applied for the job and was hired. This also meant I had an hour’s drive to work every day. Looking back at that, it was the best use of gas because of the experience.  

As a student who studies agribusiness, I was unsure what to expect working for an agronomy company. My main tasks included field scouting, tissue sampling, and research on agronomy plots. It did not take long before I was absolutely engulfed in my new passion for agronomy work. Having to declare my minor in the near future, I have decided to pursue agriculture production or agronomy. The exposure I had in the internship helped guide me to make decisions about what I want to do with my education and life outside of school. 

I would highly encourage students to take advantage of as many internships as possible. The experiences were staggering, but nothing means more than the connections I made. I got to meet so many amazing people in the agricultural industry who are a wealth of knowledge and are now part of my network. I got to know many of these people personally and I now have valuable contacts for the future. 

Taking the leap of faith to try a summer internship is extremely beneficial. You might find something that you are super passionate about. On the flip side, you might discover that the internship isn’t work that you like but knowing what you don’t like can be just as valuable as knowing what you do.     

Enhancing Pre-Veterinary Education: The Value of Animal Sciences at Ohio State ATI

Written By Shaun Wellert, DVM, MS, DACVPM

A typical pre-professional program includes extensive coursework in biology, chemistry, and other fundamental sciences. These subjects form the core of prerequisite classes for aspiring medical doctors and veterinarians, providing essential knowledge for their future careers. When I began my journey to becoming a veterinarian, I followed a similar academic path, earning a bachelor’s degree in biology. However, once I entered large animal practice, I quickly realized there were significant gaps in both my pre-veterinary and veterinary education.

Many of the diseases I encountered in farm animals and horses stemmed from poor animal husbandry or inadequate nutrition. While my upbringing on a dairy farm gave me valuable hands-on experience with dairy cattle, unfortunately, neither my undergraduate nor veterinary school coursework fully prepared me to understand the complexities of production animal nutrition.  I also lacked exposure many other animals that I would work on daily such as horses and beef cattle.

A strong foundation in both science and practical animal care is essential for students interested in large animal veterinary medicine. Understanding not just biological and chemical principles but also the fundamentals of animal husbandry and nutrition can make a significant difference in practice.

At Ohio State ATI, our Animal Sciences—Biosciences Specialization program provides students with this well-rounded education, combining coursework in chemistry and biology with hands-on training in animal husbandry and nutrition. This background is invaluable for veterinarians, especially those working in large animal medicine, where they interact daily with farmers and nutritionists to ensure animal health and productivity. Having this diverse knowledge base not only improves technical skills but also enhances communication and problem-solving abilities, ultimately leading to better outcomes for both animals and producers.

The Value of Internships

Written By Kylie Ramirez

Second year agriscience education student, Gracie Sprague, spent last summer with the Ohio Pork Council as their Pig Care and Education Specialist. 

“My time in this role was more than a job; it was a chance to apply the knowledge I’ve gained from my classes at Ohio State ATI and build a professional network,” Sprague said. “At ATI, our professors are committed to helping students secure meaningful summer employment, and this internship exemplifies the type of hands-on experience that prepares us for our future careers.” 

The Ohio State Fair, held in Columbus each summer, attracts over one million fairgoers throughout its 12-day span. Sprague said she interacted with fairgoers daily, educating them on the farrowing process, pig care practices, and the importance of responsible animal husbandry. 

For Sprague, the internship was a rewarding experience. She said, “I enjoyed sharing the industry and providing hands-on experience for people who don’t experience it every day.” 

Beyond the educational aspect, Sprague also built lasting professional relationships and expanded her network in the agricultural industry. “The skills I developed—communication, public relations, and animal care—are invaluable for my future career,” said Sprague. 

At Ohio State ATI, faculty help students seek available internships. “I’m thankful for the support and guidance I received to secure this meaningful experience,” said Sprague.  

As Gracie’s story demonstrates, internships are instrumental in gaining hands-on experience and fostering a deeper understanding of the industries students are passionate about. At Ohio State ATI, students are encouraged and supported in seeking opportunities that align with their academic and career goals. 

How to Thrive in Your First Year of College

Written By Gracie Sprague

The transition from high school to college is a transformative experience. As you further your academic journey, coming to our campus, you’re probably feeling excited, nervous, or a mix of emotions. With the right mindset, you can not only survive but thrive during your first year of college! Here is some helpful advice as you prepare to begin your first year:  

  1. Be Open to New Experiences: During your college career, I recommend taking time to explore and discover your passions. It’s important to be open to trying new things, whether it’s joining a club, participating in campus events, or being engaged in the college community. Coming to college is a major life transition; embrace the change that comes with it. Being away from home, making new friends, and adapting to the environment is a lot easier with a positive attitude and open mind.  
  1. Build a Support Network and Use your Resources: Connecting with others is an important aspect of college life. Here at ATI, we have staff, professors, and faculty who care about you. Familiarize yourself with the support system around you. This system will provide valuable support when you encounter challenges and during your future endeavors. Ohio State ATI provides countless resources to help students succeed academically and personally. Utilize our library, peer tutoring, and learning support to get the most out of your educational experience.  
  1. Develop Time Management Skills: At times, college life can be chaotic, with classes, assignments, and extracurriculars. Developing effective time management skills is crucial to balancing it all successfully. Understand your priorities as a college student and create a schedule to achieve your goals for your academic and personal life. By using a calendar on paper or digitally, you can track your commitments and use your time wisely.  

By embracing change, developing effective habits, and building a support system, you can thrive academically and personally. Remember, it’s okay to face challenges and seek out help. College is an exciting chapter of your life. Good Luck and Go Bucks! 

How to Transition from a High School and Career Center to College

Written By Anita Ruggles

As a Junior in high school, I decided to go to Ehove Career Center for cosmetology with the hopes of attending college after I graduated. That decision was, without a doubt, the best decision I ever made because it prepared me for college as it showed me a whole different world outside of my high school. It also showed me that I could be involved with other things even when I am in school. Furthermore, by getting my cosmetology license during high school, I am now able to make money while I am in college. 

While this decision was a good one, it was hard to make. I went to a very small high school and leaving my small tight-knit community was intimidating to me. I was also very involved at my high school, and I loved going to my small school and seeing the same people every day. However, sometimes you need to take that leap and step outside of your comfort zone.  

Attending college is no different. Just as I left my high school to attend my career center, people are leaving their high school community and the only school they have never known to attend college. Now, on the first day of classes at my career center, I will say I was incredibly nervous. However, when I got into my first class, there were people there that came from the same background as me and had some of the same interests as me. This happens with coming to college too, as there will be people in college that you have never met but you will learn very quickly that they have the same interests and come from the same background as you. 

Additionally, I was very involved in my high school as I was a cheerleader, I ran track and cross country, and I was also the president of my school’s FFA chapter. Going to the career center, I did not know how much I would still be able to be involved with my high school. When I got to my career center, I discovered that I could be involved at both my high school and in my career center. I was able to stay in all my activities at my high school while at the same time I got even more involved at my career center as I was a student ambassador and involved in Skills USA.  

This was also a concern I had when coming to college because I did not know how much I would be able to be involved. But because of my experiences in high school, I knew that I did not have to worry about not getting involved. In college, there are many ways that a student can get involved in many different student clubs and organizations and still maintain their connections at home.  

Lastly, I was fortunate enough to graduate high school and the career center with my cosmetology license from the State of Ohio. This has been a big blessing because I can work and make money while attending school at the same time.  

In The Field Friday: Haley Marcum

Written By Lexi Troyer

Haley Marcum, from Wooster , Ohio, completed her first two years of college at Ohio State ATI this past May and is now transitioning to the Columbus campus this fall to continue taking classes towards her bachelor’s degree in forestry, fisheries, and wildlife. She is spending her summer interning at the USDA Forest Service Northern Research Station in Delaware, Ohio, where she focuses on breeding trees that are resistant to invasive insects or diseases. An internship was not required before her transition to the Columbus campus, but it was a good opportunity that came her way and one that she could not pass up.

Haley credits Ohio State ATI in preparing her for the transition to Columbus and giving her a solid educational foundation before beginning her internship. She says, “ATI gave me knowledge, especially in plant identification and the impact that the soil has on the things around it. I also got a lot of networking opportunities while at ATI, like working in the entomology lab as a research assistant doing invasive studies.”

Haley also commends the faculty at ATI for not only connecting her with her major and internship but supporting her as well. She remarks, “The Second-Year Transformational Experience Program at ATI funded my internship by covering the cost of living, including groceries and the clothes/gear needed for my internship to work outside.”

Haley is also grateful to Ohio State ATI for providing her with valuable field experience and helping her secure an outdoor job while she was at ATI, as she arrived without any prior field experience. She says, “ATI gave me experience, especially like working in the entomology lab. My skill set was improved by class material, talking to faculty, and working outdoors.”

Maximizing College Opportunities

Written By Brayden Hayes 

You’ll find there are many different or new experiences when you come to college. Getting involved in campus life socially is one of the best ways to help ease the uncertainties. As a freshman here at ATI, I have heard one piece of advice time and time again: “Just say yes to as many college opportunities as you can possibly do.” I have taken this simple piece of advice to heart. Getting involved in Hoof-n-Hide and the Agricultural Systems Management Club and becoming an Ohio State ATI Student Ambassador has opened many new doors to me.  

Joining different college clubs and organizations is an excellent way of getting involved. The wide variety of clubs offered to students here at ATI is truly amazing. Everyone on campus can find their niche in a club. That said, ATI also allows students to make their own clubs if there is enough interest. The wide variety of clubs or organizations allows for all students to get involved.  

Joining clubs at ATI is what helped me make so many friends and get involved on the campus. If I could give one piece of advice to a future college kid, it would be to get involved and make some friends.  Joining the Agricultural Systems Management Club, or ASM, has been the best thing for me thus far in my college career. Meeting once every other week for ASM has allowed me to meet so many new lifelong friends. In the ASM club, there is a new guest speaker during almost every meeting. Most of these speakers are agricultural related in some way, and the amount of knowledge I have obtained from these speakers is astronomical.  

Having a job on campus is a great way to make extra money, create a network, and get many new opportunities. All people have different interests and enjoy doing different things. Here at ATI, the job options are diverse, from writing blogs and giving tours, like I do as an Admissions Ambassador, to working with cattle on the farms. There are so many opportunities for work. The money made at these jobs is undoubtedly important and helpful, but the opportunities these jobs allow for are one of a kind. 

Being a student ambassador for only a few months at this point, I have already met so many people. I have also learned so many lifelong skills that cannot be learned in a classroom. I would highly recommend to any college student to take a leap of faith and try something new with a job on campus.  

In The Field Friday: Aiden Robinson

Written By Lexi Troyer

Second-year student Aiden Robinson is spending his summer out-of-state in Long Island, New York, working with Summerhill Landscapes. With this company he is completing a summer internship where he is enhancing both his connections with other interns and his landscaping expertise. At Ohio State ATI, Aiden is studying landscape horticulture with an interest in turfgrass management. In fact, it was his turfgrass professor who guided him to this internship opportunity.

When asked how this internship has influenced his future academic or career plans, Aiden notes, “It has guided me to know that I am in the right career.” He also highlights the diverse team of individuals with whom he works. He quotes, “I stay with other interns from Honduras, Ireland, France, and elsewhere. Spanish is a common second language here, and having Spanish classes in high school certainly helps with conversing with others.”

One goal he keeps throughout his internship is to find satisfaction in each job he completes with his team. He shares a prime example: “Starting with a newly built house that has no landscaping and taking on a big project to create an appealing landscape look for the property.”

Aiden looks forward to continuing his internship throughout the summer and taking on new projects with his team at Summerhill Landscapes. He credits this internship with allowing him to improve his education in the field of landscaping as it will benefit him after college in finding a job that is both enjoyable and fulfilling.

How 4-H Led Me to my Major

Written By Adrianna Meyer

During spring of my second-grade year, my mom enrolled my brother and me in 4-H as Cloverbud members, with hopes that we would stay in the organization and develop lifelong skills that would benefit us throughout the years. Remaining as a member in 4-H was an easy choice for me as I knew it involved agriculture and I have been around some aspect of that industry since the day I was born. When I was young, my dad grew crops and raised cattle, and my mom raised goats.  

When I started out in 4-H as a project-taking member, I only took Boer goat projects for three years. With some encouragement from my mom, I began taking “still projects,” which are projects that do not require an animal. My first still project was about the genealogy of my family.  

I continued to add on these projects every year since 2016 and it led me to gain the courage to join clubs and councils that had a large focus on leadership. 4-H has led me to multiple national trips, including Atlanta, GA and Washington, D.C., as well as multiple honors, such as being inducted into the 2023 Ohio 4-H Teen Hall of Fame and serving as president of the Ohio 4-H Teen Leadership Council. 

When I realized that I wanted to be involved in 4-H as my future career, it was a natural choice for me to major in community leadership at Ohio State ATI, with a specialization in Extension education. Knowing that I am a role model and resource for so many individuals that I have impacted throughout my years of involvement solidified my major choice for me. 4-H has allowed me to find great joy when interacting and educating others on topics within agriculture and STEM. My lifelong career goal is to be involved in an agricultural organization or Extension where I am educating, advocating, and cultivating the next generation of leaders that will take our spots one day.