Woodland Boundaries: A Day in the Woods

Our final A DAY in the WOODS program for 2021 “Woodland Boundaries” will take place on December 10, at 10 am to 11:15 via Zoom Webinar.   This program will be presented by Mark Rickey, State Service Forester with ODNR-Division of Forestry, and Dave Apsley, Natural Resources Specialist with Ohio State University Extension. Join us on December 10 to:

  • Learn about the importance of woodland boundaries and why it is important to maintain them.
  • Get tips on how to seek and find evidence of their location.
  • Understand how you can mark and maintain your boundaries to make them more recognizable.
  • Learn the importance of boundary line trees and evidence, and how they should be treated
  • Know when it may make sense for you to reach out to a professional land surveyor for assistance.
  • Get access to a new series of videos on Woodland Boundaries that were produced to assist Ohio’s family woodland owners.

To register for this Zoom Webinar visit: http://go.osu.edu/ditw2021