Its been hectic!

As we hurtle ever more rapidly to the end of the semester it has been noticeable that our efforts on updating you all have become limited!

Mnay things have occurred over the last 2-3 months that you may or may not want to know about and the aim is to keep this short and sweet while giving you insight you may want

Turf club had an excellent trip to GIS in San Antonio – 12 students went down in total while 2 of our students attended STMA for the first time.

Dr Raudenbush has had success with a grant application for further work with moss – and our newly purchased microscope will help with that. Further projects are being initiated currently and updates on those will be brought out in the next couple of months..

Snow Mold field day was a success – attendees received trial result data as well as information on sprayers and herbicide options for 2018. Students also attended and we are very grateful to both NOGCSA and Sand Ridge GC for all the help they provided in setting up the event.

Our weather station is now in place on the west side of Cleveland and is reporting on soil moisture and temp at 2″ depth under short cut turf, radiation, wind speed, salt concentrations among other things – we will be using the data to begin creating our bi-weekly scouting report. Along with that we are looking to begin a monday morning call in qb session to help discuss weekend issues and look at what might occur in the coming week – keep an eye out for more info coming on that too!

Our weather station is now in place on the west side of Cleveland

Finally our Turfgrass Equipment Manager certificate has had final approval for changes in classes and name and will be available for enrollment in fall of 2018. The schedule can be seen below and we believe this a real need for the industry nationally that we are serving. If you are interested in more information get in contact with either Dr Nangle or Dr Raudenbush at

Thanks and go bucks

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