Missing London!!!!


After arriving home and adjusting back to normal life all I can think about is the next time I’ll be able to go back London! The entire experience was so incredibly amazing especially since it was my first time abroad.  Being able to go on this trip was the experience of a life time and what made it even better was the group of people I got to share that experience with! We as a class seemed to bond from the beginning and it was so great to have such a gos group of people around you when you were in such an unfamiliar place, I would not have wanted it any other way!


Yesterday I was able to go to Windsor and visit the Queen’s summer home.  I had not originally planned on going, but I’m so glad I did! We were able to see the changing of the guard and it was soo interesting! Having been in marching band I could understand a lot of the commands that were given and that made it all the more enjoyable!  I was also able to see the doll house that had previously belonged to a former queen. It was ginormous. The amount of details in the house was spectacular, the paintings in the doll house were even immaculate! Overall, I was very happy I decided to go!


The eye!!


Being able to experience the view from the eye tonight was absolutely amazing!  I have been looking forward to the eye because it is such an iconic landmark for London. I loved how as I looked over London, I was able to recognize the places we have visited over the course of our trip and there were still some yet to come! I think experiencing the eye has allowed me to take a larger look at the city itself and made me appreciate being able to visit such a wonderful place! I cannot wait to see what tomorrow brings with visiting Westminster and Greenwich!

Shop til you drop!


One of the greatest cultural experiences I have encountered along the span of this trip is through shopping!  I consider myself to be a shopaholic and I am not ashamed to admit that I was excited for the shopping this trip provided.  While we have been here I was interested to see the local shop like primark, but also see the differences in the shops we have in America.  Forever 21 was sooo expensive compared to the prices we find in America and the Disney shop in London is absolutely massive compared to our small shop at Polaris. Overall it’s been a very interesting and different perspective to experience the shops here in London!

Tower of London!!!!!!!

imageYesterday I was able to visit the place I had been looking most forward to since the trip began: the Tower of London.  When the class first started and we learned about the Tower of London I was so intrigued by the history of the tower. Sine that times have been researching further to try and fully understand the intricacies of the tower and hoe it came to have the gruesome reputation. One of my favorite architectural styles is from the Tudor era and it was nice to visit the Tower of London and see some classic Tudor style houses in person!


St. Paul’s Surprise

I have to say I was throughly surprised when I arrived at St. Paul’s. I had no idea how ginormous and glorious the building would be as well as how impressed I was when I stepped through into the cathedral. Going to the top of the dome was also a breath taking experience. The view from the top of the dome was incredible. I felt like I could see all of London. Overall my experience at St. Paul’s was amazing I will never forget the complete feeling of awe that was instilled in me as I started to take in my surroundings. I hope one day I will be able to visit again!

