A big thank you to all the staff, staff family members and students, who were involved in the planning and implementing of another very successful Pumpkins and Pillbugs Halloween event on Oct 18th. There were approximately 500 attendees, over 200 custom-buttons made, and even more pumpkins painted!
Special thanks to the United Titanium Bug Zoo crew and their Insect Ambassador volunteers, to Sarah Everhart and family for the reptile guests at the event, as well as representatives from our CFAES Wooster Campus Staff Council, Entomology Graduate Student Association, CFAES Graduate Student Advisory Council, ZamoBuckeyes and ATI Hoof & Hide student organizations.
Thanks to the farm crew who rearranged their schedule to accommodate the wagons for harvesting the pumpkins. Thank you to Dr. Ashley Leach for providing access to all the pumpkins and all the students and staff who helped harvest them!
All of the time and effort you spent planning, collaborating, coordinating, and volunteering to make this event run so smoothly and successfully are greatly appreciated.
Photo highlights!
WSC members and other staff members as well as graduate students assisted in the harvest
Welcome station