Fall Beverage Bar & Campus Townhall w/ VP and CFAES Dean Kress & Wooster Campus Director Michel

Thank you to everyone who joined us at the Town Hall on November 14.

We had great participation- 106 attendees! Wooster Staff Council is your liaison with campus and college leadership and we so appreciate the opportunity to bring you face-to-face with Dean Kress & Director Michel!

Slides presented by Dr. Andy Michel during our Town Hall: Wooster Vision Town Hall v4

Town Hall Summary, sent via email on December 7, 2024: WSC-Nov142024TownhallQASummary-EMAIL

CFAES Wooster Staff Council invites you to the Fall Beverage Bar & Townhall with VP and Dean Cathann Kress & CFAES Wooster Campus Director Andy Michel.

  • Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 10:00 am – 11:30 am at the Secrest Welcome & Education Center.
  • Join us for a free hot beverage mingle with your colleagues, think up some good questions and engage with CFAES leadership!
  • Bring your own mug or choose one of the mugs available for your coffee, hot chocolate, cider, or tea.
  • We welcome all CFAES staff, faculty, students (all levels) and our USDA colleagues to this non-public event.
  • If you would like to submit a question in advance, email Erin Parker.1390.
  • Please RSVP at go.osu.edu/WooTownhall2024

Fall Beverage Bar & Townhall w/ CFAES VP and Dean Kress & Director Michel

Thank you to everyone who helped or attended the Pumpkins & Pillbugs event!

A big thank you to all the staff, staff family members and students, who were involved in the planning and implementing of another very successful Pumpkins and Pillbugs Halloween event on Oct 18th. There were approximately 500 attendees, over 200 custom-buttons made, and even more pumpkins painted!

Special thanks to the United Titanium Bug Zoo crew and their Insect Ambassador volunteers, to Sarah Everhart and family for the reptile guests at the event, as well as representatives from our CFAES Wooster Campus Staff Council, Entomology Graduate Student Association, CFAES Graduate Student Advisory Council, ZamoBuckeyes and ATI Hoof & Hide student organizations.

Thanks to the farm crew who rearranged their schedule to accommodate the wagons for harvesting the pumpkins.  Thank you to Dr. Ashley Leach for providing access to all the pumpkins and all the students and staff who helped harvest them!

All of the time and effort you spent planning, collaborating, coordinating, and volunteering to make this event run so smoothly and successfully are greatly appreciated.

Photo highlights!

WSC members and other staff members as well as graduate students assisted in the harvest

WSC members and other staff members as well as graduate students assisted in the harvest

 WSC member Scott Wolfe harvesting for Pumpkins & Pillbugs

WSC member Scott Wolfe harvesting for Pumpkins & Pillbugs

Harvesting for Pumpkins & Pillbugs

Harvesting for Pumpkins & Pillbugs

Welcome station

Welcome station

Pumpkin painting stations

Pumpkin painting station

Treat bag decorating station

Treat bag decorating station

Insect Petting Zoo

Insect Petting Zoo

Button making station

Button making station

Entomology graduate student, Brandon Shannon's family attended the event.

Entomology graduate student, Brandon Shannon’s family attended the event.