Annual Meeting Re-Cap

Thank you everyone who attended the Wooster Campus Staff Council Annual Meeting. We had approximately 215 in-person attendees, and about a dozen on zoom.

We want to share the few slides presented (PDFslides_2024 CFAES-WCSC-Annual Meeting), and more importantly, the link to the video message that Dr. Tracy Kitchel, Senior Associate Dean of Faculty & Staff Affairs recorded. This video contains very relevant information to all Ohio State employees. Please watch the video and share with your colleagues!

Remember to join us Wednesday April 3 at 11:30 for our inaugural “4 Dubs” walk! We will meet at the Wooster Science Building Sculpture.  Wooster Weekly Wellness Walks will take just 15-20 minutes and occur weekly on Wednesdays through the spring, weather permitting.

Thank you to Jeanne Semilia for these lovely photos from the Annual Meeting!