Welcome to new Wooster Staff Council Members!

After a long journey to gain access, we are again able to edit our WSC website

We welcome our old members back and thank you all for your service to our staff here on the Wooster campus, and also welcome our newest members: Gail Hall, Director’s Office, Shayla Frye, Wooster Conference Center, Nuris Acosta, Entomology, and Kelly Kyser, Student Life.

We seek volunteers or nominations for representatives from District 4: FABE, EHS, Public Safety, OCAMM, OSUE, STAR, and District 6: HCS, SENR

Amanda Buss will remain WSC Chair for 2022, after finishing previous Chair Lindsey Huling’s 2021 term after her departure.
Erin Parker will remain Treasurer for 2022, and will continue with a second 3-year term.
We need two WSC members to step into the open officer roles


  1. Act in place of the Chair when the Chair is absent
  2. Serve as Chair-Elect for one year then move into the role of Chair the following year or immediately if the Chair position is vacated for any reason.  It is recommended that the incoming Chair-elect alternate between ATI and OARDC at least once every 3 years.
  3. Attend Wooster Campus Administrative Cabinet meetings when Chair is absent.
  4. Complete other tasks or duties as assigned by the Chair


  1. Record the minutes of all regular and special Council meetings and submit for approval at each Council meeting
  2. Maintain current membership list and information on terms of office
  3. Complete other tasks or duties as assigned by the Chair

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