Calling all 4-H Teens: Join Junior Leaders Today

County-wide Junior Leadership club meetings are held the first Monday of each month January to May, and October through December (no meetings during the summer).

All meetings are held from 7:00-9:00 p.m., most in the County Administration Building, although some locations are different, depending on the program.  Forty-five minutes to an hour is spent on learning a leadership skill that can be taken back to the 4-H club and taught to other members.  Members also have a short business meeting, refreshments, hear from guest speakers, and learn leadership games and other team-building activities.  Average attendance is 30. Please make sure your JL’s (aged 13 and over) are signed up to receive the JL meeting notices and email update.

The February Junior Leaders meeting will be held on February 2, 2015 at OSU / ATI from 7-9 pm.  We will meet in Skou Hall Room 030.  We will be learning more about the programs offered at ATI, learning about how to prepare for college and scholarships no matter where you may apply to go to college, taking a campus tour, and having a short Junior Leaders business meeting!

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