All market beef and dairy market beef exhibitors will be required to once again show/exhibit during one of the following options prior to the Wayne County Fair.
- OPTION 1: During the January check-in, the member can show his/her animal. If the animal is not calmly lead several times around the ‘show area’ then the committee will expect that the member return to one of the following options prior to the Wayne County Fair.
- OPTION 2: Showing at any winter/spring preview or jackpot show (including OCA BEST show). Member must get a paid entry receipt to the extension office by August 1st.
- OPTION 3: Showing at the spring show held in April at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. Member can show during the regular show OR at the end of the show there will be a beef showmanship class and a dairy beef showmanship class. There is no entry fee and no pre-registration.
- OPTION 4: Exhibit a steer at the OSF. Member must get proof of exhibition to the extension office by August 10.
Members who want to exhibit a dairy beef AND a market beef animal will need to show BOTH prior to the Wayne County Fair. Show means to lead the animal(s) several times around the arena and set up as would be expected in an actual show. Back up animals do not need to be shown.
If you do not show your animal(s) during any of the above opportunities, YOU WILL NOT BE ELIGIBLE TO EXHIBIT YOUR ANIMAL(S) AT THE WAYNE COUNTY JUNIOR FAIR.
This is an effort to get youth more involved with their projects and create more interest and time spent with the projects to help ensure a quality experience at the fair and to improve the quality of our show.