The Ohio State University: College of Arts and Sciences

Join The Sullivan Lab!

We welcome prospective students and postdocs!

Prospective post-docs, graduate students, and undergraduate students should feel free to contact Matt Sullivan directly to discuss openings and possible research projects.

Submit a full application using this form.

Undergraduate students interested in a research project should express interest by emailing a CV and brief statement of interest to Matt Sullivan. We are currently seeking reliable undergraduates to assist in the following areas:

  • Pseudomonas phage host range
  • effects of P-limitation on the virocell in marine model systems
  • community dynamics of marine heterotrophs
  • bioinformatics processing
  • database and sample inventory

Check out the fun facts about Columbus and Ohio State here.

Wondering about long-term housing around OSU? Check here (redirects to google doc)


Graduate Programs
Graduate Student Funding Opportunities
Postdoctoral Funding Opportunities
Next Steps After the Sullivan Lab
Ohio Virology Association
Ohio Residency Information

These Ohio State Graduate Programs represent good fits for our lab.

Funding opportunities for Graduate Students

Below is a list of fellowships that are available for graduate studies (though there are new opportunities all the time, so doing your own search on the web is a good idea). These fellowships can be awarded prior to entry into a PhD program, and usually pay part of the total cost of tuition and stipend for a fixed period of time. The balance of the support is picked up by the Lab’s research grants. For helpful advice on applying for graduate fellowships, please visit The Chronical of Higher Education’s “How to Win a Graduate Fellowship.”

US citizens/US nationals only:
– American Meteorological Society Graduate Fellowships
– DOE Office of Science Graduate Student Research (SCGSR) Program
– Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program
– Environmental Protection Agency Fellowships
– Ford Foundation  US citizens pursuing doctorates only; for minorities, dissertation fellowship and predoctoral fellowships available
– Hertz Foundation
– National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships (DoD)
– National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowships + tips here

US citizens/Internationals:
American Association of University Women
– Chateaubriand Science Fellowship  (research in France)
– Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Hanna H. Gray Fellows Program  new post-doctorates from underrepresented groups
– OSU’s Council of Graduate Students  funding opportunities for OSU graduate students
– The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Fellowship Program

Recommended summer grad courses elsewhere

These are ideal early grad school summer experiences for the interested student.

– Annual Workshops on Genomics, Evolution, Microbial Ecology — in Cseke Krumlov, Poland

Funding opportunities for Postdoctoral Research

US citizens/US nationals only:
National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate (NDSEG) Fellowships
National Institutes of Health K Awards
National Science Foundation – Postdoctoral Fellowships in Biology
– National Science Foundation  full list of postdoctoral fellowships

US citizens/Internationals:
– The Branco Weiss Fellowship
Ford Foundation  minorities, US citizens only
– Fulbright scholarship  for UK citizens to post-doc in the US
– Life Sciences Research Foundation
– The National Research Council (NRC) Research Associateship Program (through NIH)
– David H. Smith Conservation Research Fellowship Program
– Schmidt Science Fellows (requires nomination)
– The Better Scientific Software (BSSw) Fellowship Program

After Sullivan Lab…

Join the Ohio Virology Association

Ohio Residency Information

Ohio Residency for Tuition Purposes
Places to stay for visitors (opens document)