Dr. ZhiPing Zhong’s new paper on ancient, glacier-preserved virus evolution study reaches the popular press!

The newly released paper from Sullivan Lab collaborator, Dr. ZhiPing Zhong, titled “Glacier-preserved Tibetan Plateau viral community probably linked to warm–cold climate variations” (published in Nature Geoscience) has received broad interest from popular science websites and journals.

The story was featured in The ConversationOSU press releaseNature’s ‘Behind the Paper’ blogpostPopular Science, and ABC News (Australia), among others.

The study examined 1,705 ancient viruse genomes preserved in glacier ice for over 40,000 years. Because of the age of the ice, functional genomic content could be cross-referenced against paleoclimatic connections, which revealed genomic adaptations from the viruses to long past climatic variations.

Congratulations ZhiPing and team!!