The timing and rate of a single application of microbial biostimulants and their effects on tomato and butternut squash

The timing and rate of a single application of microbial biostimulants and their effects on tomato and butternut squash

Project Timeline

October 2018

Butternut squash were measured and weighed on October 19.

A total of 9,479 pounds of butternut squash were harvested on October 10 from both organic and transition-organic fields.

August and September 2018

A total of 25,173 pounds of organic and transition-organic tomatoes were harvested from August 27 to September 28.

July 2018

Tomato and squash plants were inoculated at four weeks after transplanting on July 3.

June 2018

Tomato and squashplants were inoculated at two weeks after transplanting in both the organic (left) and transitional (right) research plots on June 21 for the product timing study.

Tomato and butternut squash transplants were planted in both the organic and transitional research plots on June 6.

May 2018

Recently seeded squash plants were emerging in the greenhouse on May 25.

April 2018

Tomato transplants were seeded on April 24.

October 2017

Butternut squash were harvested and evaluated on October 10,12, and 16..

A fifth and final harvest was completed for the rate and timing studies in the transitional-organic plots on October 3.

September 2017

A fourth harvest was done in all plots on September 29.

A third harvest was completed on September 20. Fruit were analyzed and photographed.


A second harvest of tomatoes was completed on September 8. Fruit were inspected, weighed, measured and photographed.

August 2017

Following the first harvested, fruit were sorted and evaluated.

The first tomato harvest was completed on August 29.

Tomato and squash fields just before harvest began.

July 2017

Growth of plants in certified and transitional organic plots were monitored on July 5, 9, and 12.

For timing study, all microbial products were applied to tomato and squash plants in the treatments of “two weeks after transplanting” and “four weeks after transplanting” via root drench followed label recommended rates on June 27 and 28 and July 8 and 9, 2017, respectively. Briefly, 50 ml of microbial solution contained in a centrifuge tube was gently poured to the root area of each plant.

June 2017

Plant canopy photo was taken weekly starting on late June and will be analyzed to estimate percent occupation of leaf canopy relative to the entire quadrate.

Stripped cucumber beetles were found on mid-June. Sticky pads were installed at the end of each row to capture beetles and prevent them from migrating down the rows. Then, insecticide Pyganic and preventive Kaolin Clay were sprayed to kill and repel beetles.

Butternut squash and tomatoes were transplanted into certified organic and transitional plastic raised beds on June 7 and 8, 2017.

On June 7, 2017, roots of transplants used in microbial rate study were inoculated via root dip by soaking trays in microbial solution with 50%, 100%, or 150% of label recommended rates for one hour. Then inoculated and non-inoculated control plants were transplanted into plastic raised beds. In microbial timing study, only transplants in the treatment of “apply at transplanting” were root dipped at label recommended rates prior to transplanting.