Information in the database was obtained from OMRI, manufacturer documents and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
Information is incomplete for some products; information will be added as it becomes available and as resources allow.
The interface is interactive and is designed to become more so in time. Currently, fields of information can be sorted and searched and links can be selected to obtain additional information. Links to technical reports on and user-reviews of products will be added later. Current information on a product can be viewed in its entirety by clicking on the “view” link located directly to the left of the product name. Columns can be hidden from view by clicking on the menu arrow that appears to the right of the column name. To unhide a column, hit the F5 key on your keyboard to refresh the page.
Microbe-containing products differ in the microbes and other ingredients they contain and in methods used to apply them. For various reasons, two products containing the same or similar organism(s) may perform differently in the field.
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This interface was developed with the support of The OSU Department of Horticulture and Crop Science and the Center for Applied Plant Sciences.
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