Our Journal Articles

Sustaining Soil Health in High Tunnels: A Paradigm Shift toward Soil-centered Management
J.F. Pierre, et al.in HortTechnology (2024)Download PDF

Impact of a Tailored Nutrition and Lifestyle Intervention for Overweight Cancer Survivors on Dietary Patterns, Physical Activity, Quality of Life, and Cardiometabolic Profiles
C. K. Spees et al. in Journal of Oncology (2019)
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Rootstock Improves High-tunnel Tomato Water Use Efficiency
D. Suchoff et al. in HortTechnology (2018)
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Grafting, Scion and Rootstock Effects on Survival Rate, Vegetative Growth and Fruit Yield of High Tunnel-grown Grafted Pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) Plants
M. Soltan et al. in Advances in Crop Science and Technology (2017)
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A New Method to Estimate Vegetable Seedling Vigor, Piloted with Tomato, for Use in Grafting and Other Contexts
B. Hu et al. in HortTechnology (2016)
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Temporal Diversity of Taraxacum kok-saghyz Plants Reveals High Rubber Yield Phenotypes
K. Cornish et al. in Biodiversitas (2016)
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Feasibility, Preliminary Efficacy, and Lessons Learned From a Garden-Based Lifestyle Intervention for Cancer Survivors
C.K. Spees et al. in Cancer Control (2016)
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Application of a Portable Infrared Instrument For Simultaneous Analysis of Sugars, Asparagine and Glutamine Levels in Raw Potato Tubers
H. Ayvaz et al in Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (2015)
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Impact of Phytopathogen Infection and Extreme Weather Stress on Internalization of Salmonella Typhimurium in Lettuce
Chongtao Ge et al in the International Journal of Food Microbiology (2014)
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Fungal and Oomycete Pathogen Detection in the Rhizosphere of Organic Tomatoes Grown in Cover Crop-treated Soils
C.F. Summers et al in Applied Social Ecology (2014)
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Quantifying Soil Health and Tomato Crop Productivity in Urban Community and Market Gardens
J. Reeves et al in Urban Ecosystem (2014)
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Single Season Effects of Mixed-species Cover Crops on Tomato Health (cultivar Celebrity) in Multi-state Field Trials
C.F. Summers et al in Applied Soil Ecology (2014)
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Soil Health as a Predictor of Lettuce Productivity and Quality: A Case Study of Urban Vacant Lots
A. Knight et al in Urban Ecosystem (2013)
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Effects of Grafting and High Tunnel Tomato Production on Pest Incidence, Yield and Fruit Quality in Smallholder Farms in Central Kenya
M. Waiganjo et al in the East African Agricultural and Forestry Journal (2013)
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Digital Image Analysis to Supplement Direct Measures of Lettuce Biomass
N.R. Bumgarner et al in HortTechnology (2012)
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Nutritional Yield: A Proposed Index for Fresh Food Improvement Illustrated with Leafy Vegetable Data
N.R. Bumgarner et al in Plant Foods in Human Nutrition (2012)
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Active and Passive Zonal Heating Creates Distinct Microclimates and Incluences Spring- and Fall-time Lettuce Growth in Ohio
N.R. Bumgarner et al in HortTechnology (2012)
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Root-zone Temperature and Nitrogen Affect the Yield and Secondary Metabolite Concentration of Fall- and Spring-grown, High-density Leaf Lettuce
N.R. Bumgarner et al in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2012)
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Canopy Cover and Root-zone Heating Effects on Fall- and Spring-grown Leaf Lettuce Yield in Ohio
N.R. Bumgarner et al in HortTechnology (2011)
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Effects of Organic Transition Strategies for Peri-urban Vegetable Production on Soil Properties, Nematode Community, and Tomato Yield
S.S. Briar et al in Applied Soil Ecology (2011)
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Student Farms at United States Colleges and Universities: Insights Gained from a Survey of the Farm Managers
A. Leis et al in the NACTA Journal (2011)
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An Interactive Online Database for Potato Varieties Evaluated in the Eastern United States
M.E. Clough et al in HortTechnology (2010)
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Effect of Seed Treatments and Mulch on Seedborne Bacterial Pathogens and Yield of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum Mill.) in Tanzania
H.D. Mtui et al in the Journal of Animal & Plant Sciences (2010)
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Field Management Effects on Damping-Off and Early Season Vigor of Crops in a Transitional Organic Cropping System
F. Baysal et al in Phytopathology (2008)
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Anthocyanin Levels in Nine Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) Cultivars: Influence of Planting Date and Relations among Analytic, Instrumented, and Visual Assessments of Color
A. Gauzla et al in HortScience (2007)
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Multiple Statistical Approaches of Community Fingerprint Data Reveal Bacterial Populations Associated with General Disease Suppression Arising from the Application of Different Organic Field Management Strategies
M. Benítez in Soil Biology & Biochemistry (2007)
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Differential Effects of Raw and Composted Manure on Nematode Community, and Its Indicative Value for Soil Microbial, Physical and Chemical Properties
M.S. Nahar et al in Applied Soil Ecology (2006)
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Consumer Liking and Descriptive Analysis of Six Varieties of Organically Grown Edamame-type Soybean
A.L. Wszelaki et al in Food Quality and Preference (2005)
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Irrigation Timing Relative to Head Development Influences Yield Components, Sugar Levels, and Glucosinolate Concentrations in Cabbage
T.J.K. Radovich et al in the Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (2005)
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Planting Date Affects Total Glucosinolate Concentrations in Six Commercial Cabbage Cultivars
T.J.K. Radovich et al in HortScience (2005)
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Sensory Quality and Mineral and Glycoalkaloid Concentrations in Organically and Conventionally Grown Redskin Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum)
A.L. Wszelaki et al in the Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2005)
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Temperature and Cultivar Effects on Anthocyanin and Chlorophyll b Concentrations in Three Related Lollo Rosso Lettuce Cultivars
A. Gazula et al in HortScience (2005)
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Important Cabbage Head Traits and Their Relationships at Five Points in Development T.J.K Radovich et al in Journal of Vegetable Crop Production (2004)
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Triangle Tests Indicate that Irrigation Timing Affects Cabbage Sensory Quality
T.J.K. Radovich et al in Food Quality and Preference (2004)
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Rapid Estimation of Cabbage Head Volume across a Population Varying in Head Shape: A Test of Two Geometric Formulae
T.J.K. Radovich and M.D. Kleinhenz in HortTechnology (2004)
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A Proposed Tool for Preharvest Estimation of Cabbage Yield
M.D. Kleinhenz in HortTechnology (2003)
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Temperature, Moisture, and Seed Treatment Effect on Rhizoctonia solani Root Rot of Soybean
A.E. Dorrance et al in Plant Disease (2003)
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Sweet Corn Variety Trials in Ohio: Recent Top Performers and Suggestions for Future Evaluations
M.D. Kleinhenz et al in HortTechnology (2003)
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Variety, Shading, and Growth State Effects on Pigment Concentrations in Lettuce Grown under Contrasting Temperature Regimens
M.D. Kleinhenz et al in HortTechnology (2003)
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Yield and Relationships among Head Traits in Cabbage as Influenced by Planting Date and Cultivar. II. Processing
A. Wszelaki and M.D. Kleinhenz in HortScience (2003)
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Yield and Relationships among Head Traits in Cabbage as Influenced by Planting Date and Cultivar. I. Fresh Market
M.D. Kleinhenz and A. Wszelaki in HortScience (2003)
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Root Zone Calcium Modulates the Response of Potato Plants to Heat Stress
M.D. Kleinhenz and J.P. Palta in Physiologia Plantarum (2002)
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Impact of Source and Timing of Calcium and Nitrogen Applications on ‘Atlantic’ Potato Tuber Calcium Concentrations and Internal Quality
M.D. Kleinhenz et al in the Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science (1999)
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Application of Calcium and Nitrogen for Mitigating Heat Stress Effects on Potatoes
A.A. Tawfik et al in the American Potato Journal (1996)
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Growth and Yield of Potato (Solanum Tuberosum L.) Cultivars Atlantic and Monona as Influenced by Seed Type and Size
M.D. Kleinhenz and M.A. Bennett in the American Potato Journal (1992)
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