
If you’re on this page you’re probably an Indonesian thinking about studying in the USA. On this page we explain most of the key points you need to know, and give some ‘insider knowledge’ about problems that Indonesians face when applying to USA programs. Here are some things to think about as you begin this process:

  1. This will be a long journey. The application process can take 1 – 2 years. Prepare early, read a lot, and be prepared.
  2. There are some costs that will have as you apply including testing fees and application fees. Contact us and we will try to give you advice on where you may be able to find financial support for these fees. Also talk to your family to see if someone may be able to help you.
  3. Do not give up. We work with many Indonesians who are studying in the USA now or have graduated and returned to Indonesia. They did it. You can too. Do not give up.
  4. Keep working on it. There will be times when life gets busy. At these times it will be easy to forget your goal of studying in the USA. Decide that every week you will work on something that will help your application.
  5. Recognize that there are some requirements that are firm. For example, we are unable to identify scholarships for S1 students. All the S1 students from Indonesia we know are private pay students from high income families. But there are large numbers of scholarships for S2 and S3 programs. We are happy to help all students, but mostly we help S2 and S3 students, especially in Education and related disciplines. We do not provide scholarships – only advice. Another firm requirement is the English score. There are things you can do to improve your English and we can suggest some if you email us, but you will need to pass the English test to be accepted.
  6. Since this process will take time, during that time you will hear or read many stories that will cause you to wonder if you are making the right decision. Your family or friends may try to discourage you. “The new President is no good”; “There are cray people there”; “We will miss you too much”; “Country XYZ is much nicer than Country ABC” are some things you may hear. Our goal is not to ‘sell’ something to you. We want you to find the graduate program that is best for you, to apply and be accepted to that program, to complete it, and to return to Indonesia and make a positive impact. So do not listen to all the people trying to discourage you. And recognize that what is the situation in Country XYZ can literally change overnight. Focus on what is right for you. Find that. And do that. And tell your mom you will Skype her every day and she can come to visit.


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