Study abroad opportunity

Here’s a course announcement I received yesterday:

Subject: Course Announcement – Scientific Roots in the UK and EU; From/on Behalf of Profs. John Cogan and Caroline Breitenberger

Biology 4798, Scientific Roots in the UK and EU, will be offered again this spring if enough students enroll. This is a great opportunity to get started in study abroad, if that is in your plans. We will be visiting London, England and Paris, France again this year along with other sites that students choose.  We will be reading about and visiting important sites in the history of scientific discovery.  This year’s focus will be discoveries that changed the world and changed paradigms.  It should be interesting and useful for any future scientist. We will be holding information sessions in the fall, but if you know you are interested, please contact us now ( If you have decided to enroll, I would like to remind you that the deadline for application will be on or around Oct 31. Scholarship opportunities also exist and some have earlier deadlines.  The application is available on the website of the office of International Affairs (

I hope you can join us! It is a blast!

Dr. John G. Cogan
Auxiliary Assistant Professor
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
College of Arts and Sciences

Major fellowships for grad school

Graduating this year?  Planning on applying for grad school?

Here’s a useful resource: a list of major US fellowships for graduate students.  Many of these permit senior undergrads to apply.  These are hard to get but really worth it, since they can finance several years of grad school and often include a research stipend as well.

Watch this blog for more posts directed at graduating seniors.  I plan to hold a meeting in around 1 October where we can go over typical requirements for grad school and discuss the application process.