
Aaliyah is a human factors engineer for a blocks company called Tangram Land. Tangram Land creates blocks of different shapes, colors and sizes so people can make fun patterns and puzzles. Aaliyah gets to design games using these blocks so that people can play with their family and friends. Her customers would like to have instructions on how to make the patterns so that it can help kids who have trouble with them. Aaliyah has a lot of patterns at her company and does not think she will have enough time to make all the instructions herself. Students will be helping her out by creating instructions on how to build some of the patterns.

Instructagrams TEK8 Student Handout

The student handout will be given to all students working on the design challenge. It gives a brief recap of the story, it helps the students identify what they are attempting to achieve, and it recaps the design process.

Instructagrams Facilitator’s Guide

This Instructor’s Guide provides the instructor additional information on how to run the design challenge with alternatives for materials and test setups as well as information to help make the design challenge a good educational experience.

Telling the Story Video

The Telling the Story Video conveys the societal impact of the student’s research that is the basis for the design challenge and will set the problem-solving context for students.

Design Challenge Video

The Design Challenge Video leads students through the design process. It indicates materials available, states what the criteria are for success and any constraints. It also gives a second ‘level’ of the design challenge that allows ‘early completers’ to move on to a slightly more difficult challenge.