Magnetic White Blood Cell

One of the main concerns with cancer is metastatic cancer, which is when cancer spreads from the original tumor to distant sites in the body. One way that this happens is through Circulating Tumor Cells (CTCs). CTCs are a type of cell that are in the blood of people with cancer. These cells are very important in the process of cancer metastasis but they are very rare. At The Ohio State University a method of sorting CTCs from white blood cells in samples of blood is done using antibodies and magnetic nanoparticles. Double sided antibodies are added to samples of blood containing white cells and CTCs. One side of the antibody attaches to the white blood cells while the other attaches to the magnetic nanoparticles that also added to the solution. This makes the white blood cells magnetic. The solution of white cells and CTCs is then run through a large magnet where the magnetically labeled cells, the white cells, are separated from the unlabeled cells, the CTCs. This allows for the CTCs to be found and analyzed easier.

Using a Styrofoam ball to represent a white blood cell and magnets in ice cube tray to represent magnetic nanoparticles, students will create a way to attach the magnets to the Styrofoam ball and collect magnets from ice cube trays.  They will collect the maximum amount of magnets.

 A ping pong ball next to an ice tray

The student handout will be given to all students working on the design
challenge. It gives a brief recap of the story, it helps the students identify what they are attempting to achieve, and it recaps the design process.

Magnetic White Blood Cell TEK8 Instructor’s Guide

This Instructor’s Guide provides the instructor additional information on how to run the design challenge with alternatives for materials and test setups as well as information to help make the design challenge a good educational experience.

Telling the Story Video

The Telling the Story Video conveys the societal impact of the student’s research that is the basis for the design challenge and will set the problem-solving context for students.

Design Challenge Video

The Design Challenge Video leads students through the design process. It indicates materials available, states what the criteria are for success and any constraints. It also gives a second ‘level’ of the design challenge that allows ‘early completers’ to move on to a slightly more difficult challenge.

PowerPoint Presentation #1

Power Point Presentation #2

The presentations can be used in conjunction or in place of the Design Challenge Video.