A document containing a brief description of the TEK8 program and the instructor guides and the student guides for all of the 2017 design challenges is available here.
2017 Design Challenges Available
Title | Description | Engineering Area |
Atomic Microscope | Design a probe to scan the surface of sample.
Biomedical Engineering |
Blown Away | Build a tower that can withstand rotating fan without being blown over.
Civil Engineering |
Building DNA Filters | Create a filter to allow DNA marbles to pass through by catch all other contaminant.
Biomedical Engineering |
Calorimeter Craziness | Maintain or improve temperature change with an efficient calorimeter design.
Materials Science Engineering |
Chemical Reaction Engineering | Slow reaction times by controlling the components of the reaction.
Chemical Engineering |
Constructing Collagen | Creating an extracellular matrix to house healthy collagen and how unhealthy collagen affects cells.
Biomedical Engineering |
Corroding Bridge | Create a corrosion resistant bridge that is stronger than one that has not been treated.
Civil Engineering |
Creepy Candy | Design a mechanism to test the permanent deformation from constant stress.
Materials Science Engineering |
Electric Semi-Trucks | Construct a truck that moves as much weight as possible as far as possible.
Electrical Engineering |
Finding Iron | Search for iron clusters to identify and treat diseases more effectively.
Biomedical Engineering |
Inverted Tower | Construct a tower using bottles, cardboard, magnets, etc. so that it can withstand its own weight.
Civil Engineering |
Operation Origami | Design a structure out of a loop of ribbon in order to transport the simulated drug.
Biomedical Engineering |
Oxidation Cycle | Design a particle that can travel through the “reactor”.
Chemical Engineering |
Plutonium Purification | Design an apparatus that will separate the plutonium from the other elements to produce a pure power source.
Materials Science Engineering |
Strong House | Design homes that are both strong and flexible so that they can withstand storms.
Civil Engineering |
That’s Shocking | Develop a method to transfer water from one location to another without spilling during the process.
Electrical Engineering |