Math 8210 – Topics

Topics in Harmonic Analysis and Geometric Measure Theory (GMT)

  • Class notes
  • Special Class on Tuesdays September 5 and 12, 3:30 – 4:30 pm, MW 154




List of Topics and Readings by week





  • Harmonic Analysis – What is it?
    1. The Princeton Companion pg. 448 –
    2. Introduction in Steins’ big book
    3. Tao’s overview on Harmonic Analysis


  • Distance Problems – Further reading
    1. Falconer’s proof of (d+1)/2
    2. Wolff’s notes – Chapter 8
    3. Wolff’s 1999 paper (averaging the spherical operator to get a better exponent)
    4. Bennet-Iosevich-Taylor (trees and chains), Bochen- Iosevich (Cartesian product improvements), Greenleaf-Iosevich-Liu-Palsson (group actions); Iosevich-Magyar (any graph)


  • Decoupling
    1. Guth’s talk on the topic
    2. Idea with Eyvi to use decoupling – see emails to Eyvi


  • Projections
  • discrete Favard (see emails with Singer)
  • Kakeya and Davies’ theorem (see Orponen’s notes, Katz-Zahl, Mattila’s book, Falconer’s books)
  • Kakeya Maximal (Wolff Chapter 10, Mattila_2015 (Chapter 22))



  • The appearance of the Fourier transform in GMT: Mattila’s Introduction, Hausdorff measures, Minkowski dimension, weak convergence, energy integrals
  • Differentiation of measures, Fourier transform, convolutions and measures, Vitali covering
  • Projection theory: Marstrand’ projection theorem, transversality
  • 1-sets, purely unrectifiability, Besicovitch’s projection theorem, Buffon needle problem, visibility and radial projections
  • Bongers and Mattila1990 Theorem 4.1 for the decay of Buffon needle, Buffon circle; Connections: PDE, Probability
  • Davies theorem and the Kakeya conjectures, slicing problem
  • Arithmetic operations on fractals: Steinhaus, Erdős and Oxtoby, category analogue and generalizations
  • Distance sets and Finite point configurations within fractal sets Big picture in Harmonic Analysis
  • Davies theorem and Kakeya
  • Oscillatory Integrals and Restriction (see Wolff notes section 7 starting on page 41)
  • The big topics in harmonic analysis and lattice point counting; Connections:  Number theory
  • The big topics in harmonic analysis continued…

Survey Articles:

Research Articles

  • Csornyei How To Make Davies’ Theorem Visible 
  • Csornyei The Kakeya Needle problem and the existence of Besicovitch and Nikodym sets for rectifiable sets (Nik?)
  • Erdos_Oxtoby (Steinhaus)
  • IMT Intersections of sets and Fourier analysis
  • IMT Fourier integral operators, fractal sets and the regular value theorem (Mathew)
  • Jiang A nonlinear version of the Newhouse thickness theorem
  • ST Interior of Sums of Planar Sets and Curves (Alexander)
  • Guth, Netz On the Erdős distinct distance problem in the plane, also see notes and lectures on the polynomial method
  • Laba, Survey Recent progress on Favard length estimates for planar Cantor sets
  • Shmerkin On the Packing dimension of Furstenberg sets
  • Tao A quantitative version of the Besicovitch projection theorem via multiscale analysis
  • Toro paper 1, paper 2  (GMT and PDEs): Doubling and Flatness: Geometry of Measures  & GMT and Introduction
  • NVP The power law for the Buffon needle probability of the four-corner Cantor set
  • BV An estimate from below for the Buffon needle probability of the four-corner Cantor set
  • BLZ Quantitative visibility estimates for unrectifiable sets in the plane
  • Bongers Geometric Bounds for Favard Length
  • CDT Upper and lower bounds on the rate of decay of the Favard curve length for the four-corner Cantor set (Adam_ also see BV and BT)
  • HT On the Fourier Dimension of Sums and Product sets.
  • MIT On the Mattila Sjolin Theorem for Distance Sets


Blogs and Notes:

  • Tao’s Blog on Harmonic Analysis
  • Gower’s Blog
  • Orponen’s notes on GMT
  • Zahl’s notes and lectures
  • Shmerkin’s slides on Bourgain’s projection theorem.


Events, Recordings, and Talks related to this course: 

  • Workshop in Analysis at Georgia Tech, Dec. 9-11, 2023, register here


  • MAAM Mid Atlantic Analysis Seminar
  • U. Edinburgh– Virtual Harmonic Analysis Seminar with recorded talks
  • Friday, August 28, 12:00 (noon) Eastern time, Montreal Zoom Seminar, video
    Malabika Pramanik (UBC), Restriction of eigenfunctions to sparse sets on manifolds, abstract and zoom info.
  • MAAM: