
Current Studies

Lectio Divina: Investigating HRV effects as result of Meditative Prayer

Teaching Students Self-Regulation: Using Computer-Mediated Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback
IRB: NEW-32194
Primary Investigator: Paul Granello

Self-Regulation: Using Computer-Mediated Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback
IRB: NEW-35128
Primary Investigator: Paul Granello




Future Studies

Faculty and Staff Stress Intervention
Primary Investigator: Paul Granello

Veterans Stress Intervention
Primary Investigator: Paul Granello

Survey Validation with a Clinical Population
Primary Investigator: Paul Granello & Cristian Gugiu


Building Emotional Regulation and Anxiety Management
All Ohio Counselors Conference, November 2018
Paul Granello, Ph.D., LPCC-S, CWC, J.P. Oehrtman, Ph.D., LPC, Sarah Geiger, M.A., & Damon Drew, M.Ed., LPC, NCC

Collaborative Approach to Stress Management Using Biofeedback Technology
Community Engagement Conference, January 2018
Paul Granello, Ph.D., LPCC-S, CWC, Stefanie Morrow, RN, BSN, Laura Peterson, MPH, LPC, Greg Schwitzgable, MPH CHES, Damon Drew, M.Ed., CWC

Student Wellness Center and SMART Lab: A Student Life and Educational Studies Partnership
Community Engagement Conference, January 2018
Damon Drew, M.Ed, CWC & Joseph Doherty, MA, LPC