Services, Location, & Scheduling

Schedule an Appointment (In-person Sessions)

  • The above link is for 1-1 Biofeedback with a SMART Lab member.

  • The above link is for individual self-guided sessions.

Starting August 2023, any student who visits the SMART Lab at least four times will be put into a drawing for a VISA gift card!! Two students will be chosen to receive a $50 gift card at the end of the semester.


Self-Guided Biofeedback

During self-guided biofeedback sessions, you will work through web-based modules to learn about mindfulness-based stress reduction and utilize our HeartMath biomedical feedback technology. Utilizing your heart rhythm as well as several breathing techniques, you will engage in practical exercises to increase your wellness, decrease your stress levels, and increase your overall resilience.

1:1 Biofeedback with SMART Lab Staff

1:1 biofeedback sessions allow students to work individually with a member of the SMART Lab staff to identify sources of stress, problem-solve ways to reduce stress and practice relaxation techniques with our biofeedback software. HRV Biofeedback technology allows students to see, understand, and control how their emotional state (stressed, angry, grateful, peaceful) influences their physiological well-being. We use the HeartMath emWave Pro program to monitor physical responses in heart rate variability. Students will be able to work 1:1 with our staff to learn how stress affects their bodies and how to reduce it.

Group Meditation – Wednesdays from 5-6pm.

This program will teach you a series of meditation skills that build off of each other. This 60-minute group session will equip you with practical MEDITATION SKILLS to help you better manage your stress and increase your wellness and resilience. This group is educational and participatory in nature. No prior meditation experience required. This group is offered once a week for all OSU students. This group starts September 6th at 5 pm in the PAES building and will be hosted in the SMART Lab. Please join us! 🙂

The SMART Lab is located on the 4th floor of the PAES building in Suite A445. When you arrive, please let the front desk know that you have a scheduled appointment with the SMART Lab.

We look forward to seeing you Online!

PAES Address: 305 Annie & John Glenn Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210