The Ohio State Chapter of Sigma Xi Annual Banquet and Research Symposium was a great success this year. Our Keynote speakers were Dr. Lonnie Thompson & Dr. Ellen Mosley-Thompson who presented an excellent lecture on “Past and Contemporary Climate Change: Evidence from Earth’s Cryosphere”. It was a wonderful lecture and we were pleased to be able to present both of our keynote speakers with an acknowledgment from national Sigma Xi of “Ellen and Lonnie Thompson Day” at Ohio State.
We also had poster presentations from winners of national and local Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research Awards as well as winners from the Hayes Graduate and Denman Undergraduate Research Forums on campus. From this all-star lineup, there was the difficult task of selecting the best poster presentations, which went to Rebecca Mayus, Emily Nordquist, and Alana Reese. Congratulations to all of the poster presenters, it was a fascinating research symposium.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the executive board and the volunteers who were essential to organizing the banquet and all of our activities this year. If you are interested in working more on some of the exciting programs we highlighted during the banquet (more details are at please let me know by email (
Finally, I’d like to remind you that each year our Sigma Xi Chapter awards competitive Grants-in-Aid of Research (GIAR) to undergraduate and graduate student researchers and there is a great need to increase how many GIARs that we can award. You can help through tax-deductible donations to the OSU Campus Campaign or at any other time. There are also incentives for those who donate in support of research at Ohio State in 2018. Donations can be made at our website (