Application Guidelines

The Ohio State Chapter of Sigma Xi, the science and engineering research honor society, solicits applications from graduate and undergraduate students for Grants-in-Aid of Research. The Ohio State Chapter of Sigma Xi supports research in all areas of science and engineering including but not limited to: Natural (Physical) Sciences, Biological Sciences, Mathematical & Computer Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Medicine, and Engineering.

Applications must include:

  • A cover page with the Project Title, Student’s name and OSU name.#, major and degree program (bachelors, masters, doctoral), research sponsor’s name, academic title, and OSU name.#
  • A current CV, not to exceed two pages
  • A one-page (approximately 500 words) project narrative written for a general scientific audience. This single-spaced non-technical synopsis of the proposed research, including a title, research questions, hypotheses and theory, proposed methods, the significance of the proposed work, a proposed budget, and a listing of cited work. The budget and listing of literature may go beyond the  one page limit, but tables and figures (if any) must be within one one page limit. The budget should specifically indicate how the GIAR support will be used to further the research.
  • A letter of support from the student’s research advisor. This letter should address the significance of the proposed research, the quality of the student’s work, and the student’s potential as a future scientist. Letters must be submitted electronically. The filename should include the name of the applicant.
  • The application and support letter must be sent electronically in PDF format, by the deadline to, with GIAR_2019 in the subject line.

Submissions not conforming to these requirements will not be considered. 

Applications will be judged on the basis of

  1. Quality of the project narrative
  2. Budget justification
  3. Strength and specificity of the faculty sponsor’s letter of support.

Being a member of Sigma Xi is not essential for application but increases your chances of success. Membership nomination is part of the award for winners who are not currently members. Queries should be emailed to

For tips on how to submit your best grant application, watch this video by Sigma Xi National.