Adios Chile!

The first time I realized that the trip was officially over was when I was oddly able to understand every one around me. I felt the unnecessary need to keep saying “gracias” or “lo siento” in response to people. While I love the ability to finally understand the words being spoken next to me, it is very bittersweet to be back home.

I reflect on all of the experiences that I had seized during my time in Chile. My favorite memory was the group’s time at the monastery – looking around and seeing all of us in awe from how picturesque the building was, sketching in silence. While that moment was my absolute favorite, I loved everything else about the trip from seeing all of the beautiful buildings in Santiago and eating amazing food, to almost losing the group in Baquedano. Every memory made is one that I will always cherish.

From this trip, I have learned so much. While the tourist attractions were amazing, I also enjoyed our free time where we got to fully immerse ourselves into the culture as regular Chileans rather than visitors (Colin’s Spanish skills surely helped us to do this). Chile was a helpful and enjoyable sneak peak into my time after college as I hope to spend the summer after graduation traveling around the world. If my travels go even half as well as this one, I will be ecstatic.

Unfortunately, I have to get to all of the homework and exams that I had awaiting my arrival, however I will still be day dreaming of empanadas and 80 degrees the entire time.

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