As I sit waiting for the plane, I cannot believe that this day has come so quickly! It is beyond strange to think that although I am in my winter coat now, before I know it, I will be in shorts and a t-shirt under the warm sun. Not just that, but I will be roaming the streets of a completely new country and continent. I will be experiencing architecture in a way that I never have before, but have been looking forward to for a long time.
Whether aiming to better understand the architecture or the society itself,this is bound to be a great learning experience. I am curious to see what is ahead of us, and am ready to be immersed in the rich culture of Santiago, Chile.
Thinking back to the beginning of the semester, it seems like I have learned so much about Santiago since then. It will be so fascinating to experience the city in person and to apply all of the knowledge about the culture and city that I have gained. I am looking forward to documenting this experience through photographs and through sketches. Surely the memories we make will be ones I won’t soon forget.