Individual Users – Required Training
- Please complete the Institutional Data Policy Training (expand the tab “If you have access to Restricted S4 data” for more information).
- Please complete the HIPAA and Institutional Data Compliance Training for users working with PHI data (expand the tab “If you have access to protected health information).
- Required for OSUWMC and College of Medicine users.
- Any additional training required based on your role and/or type of research
***Please note: Qualtrics cannot be used to request and store PHI/Regulated S4 data, violation will result in removal of access.***
Qualtrics Division or Group Administrators – Required Training
- Please complete the Institutional Data Policy Training (expand the tab “If you have access to Restricted S4 data” for more information).
- IRB HSP Training (CITI)
- HIPAA Training (required if you are exposed to PHI data)
***Please note: Qualtrics cannot be used to request and store PHI/Regulated S4 data, violation will result in removal of access.***
Qualtrics Brand Administrators – Required Training
- Please complete the Institutional Data Policy Training (expand the tab “If you have access to Restricted S4 data” for more information).
- IRB HSP Training (CITI)
- HIPAA Training (required)
- Qualtrics Administration Overview Training
General Qualtrics (any role)