Now is your chance to purchase Canter’s Cave 4-H Camp items. Different delivery options are available. Orders must be placed by August 2, 2021.
Author: bruynis.5
2021 Ohio State Fair Swine Dept. Rules and Information
2021 Ohio State Fair Swine Dept. Rules and Information
The 2021 Ohio State Fair Livestock department rules have been posted at:
- Ohio State Fair will be a ractopamine free fair.
- Exhibitor Affidavit for the Market Barrow Show will be required
- Market Barrows will be required to have an 840 Tag. It is preferred that they be the EID (Electronic Identification) 840 Tags but non-EID tags will be accepted this in 2021.
- These should be placed in the pig from the breeder they originate from, and if possible, please have them placed in the RIGHT EAR.
- If you do not have one, you will want to work with your local vet to obtain one.
- All swine must be tagged with an 840 tag.
- All exhibitors must have a premise ID (this is based on the location the pigs were raised, so the same premise ID will cover all siblings).
- Please go to tags for getting a premise ID, please talk to your veterinarian.
- All Market Exhibitors will be required to enter parent/guardian PQA Certification ID#at the time of entry.
- Remember, if the parent/guardian completed this last year, they are good for 3 years and can use the certification ID# they received last year (or within 3 years)
- Email Kathy Bruynis ( as she can enroll you in the PQA online class. She will need the following: Name of adult taking the class; birthdate; address; phone number; email; and farm name.
Making Extreme Counselors (MXC)
Thinking about becoming a camp counselor or just want to see what training is like. MXC could be for you and is virtual this year. However, you must register by January 27, 2020. For more information contact Kathy Bruynis at
For more information and registration
4-H Camp Counselor Applications due January 7.
Just a quick reminder if you are wanting to apply to be a 4-H camp counselor the applications are due January 7, 2021. You can either submit a paper copy to the OSU Extension Office, Highland County by 4:00 p.m. or through a Qualtrics survey which can be found at:
Please let Kathy Bruynis know if you have any questions at 937-393-1918 or
Please welcome our new Office Associate, Leeanna McKamey. Leeanna is originally from Highland County. She comes to this position after being a Ohio State University Extension SNAP-Ed program assistant in Highland, Ross and Allen Counties. Prior to her position with SNAP-Ed she was the Ohio State University Extension 4-H Program Assistant in Allen County.
Take a Break and Join the Fall 2020 Email Wellness Challenge
Important Information Regarding Jr. Fair Premium Livestock Sale
Below is a link to a Google Form that the Sales Committee would like for ALL Jr. Fair Exhibitors that plan to consign an animal to the 2020 Jr Fair Premium Livestock Sale to complete and turn into the Sales Committee building by Monday, Sept. 7 by 9:00p.m. These will be placed on the tables for the supporters to make their premium donations.
Once the form is submitted, it will generate an email PDF to the exhibitor, and they can print that PDF off. If someone does not have access to a printer, I will drop off the forms to the Sales building so they can pick it up there and attach a picture that way.
Please help spread this word to all members.
Drug Use Notification Form Forms For Junior Fair Livestock Exhibitors Will Be Completed On-Line This Year
Here is the link for the Drug Use Notification Form (DUNF). Anyone exhibiting Market Hogs, Market Lambs, Market Steers, Market Dairy Goats, Market Boer Goats, Market Chickens and Lactating Goats and Dairy Cattle…MUST fill out a DUNF form for each animal. If you have 2 market lambs then you need to fill the form out 2 times. Forms may be filled out and submitted anytime before crossing the scales or showing!
Last Chance virtual Quality Assurance
Last Chance Quality Assurance
July 28, 2020 at 1:00 pm
Highland County 4-H and FFA members will have one more free opportunity to attend a virtual Quality Assurance on July 28 at 1:00. You must register by July 27 at noon. contact Kathy Bruynis if you have any questions, Register at: