Application Available here
Highland Co. 4-H Horse Queen/King rules:
1. The compe++on is open to any female or male 4-H members 14-18 years of age.
2. The contestant must be enrolled in a Horse Project(s) for the 2024 year and one-year prior
enrollment in Highland County 4-H.
All contestants must:
A. Dress appropriately; Business casual. (See below for business casual defini+on)
B. Appropriate language must be used at all +mes. No abusive language or behavior will be
C. Moral conduct will be scru+nized and evaluated at all +mes, including social media.
Outlets. Inappropriate behavior or conduct will result in disqualifica+on.
D. Not appear in pictures which include/depict nudity, underage alcohol consump+on, abuse of
a human or animal, or other illegal ac+vity.
E. Each contestant may not be married, not have been married, not have a child.
F. Must con+nue to uphold the Code of Conduct.
Scoring of the compe55on will be as follows:
July 26th 6:00 p.m.
Loca+on Alterna+ves to Violence Center 135 North High Street Suite #1. Hillsboro (Hillsboro
Orpheum Building)
General horse and 4-H knowledge test=30%
Personal interview 30%
Horse handling/riding video=40% Must be submi(ed by July 26th
A. Personal interview, all contestants will have a personal interview. July 26th 6:00 p.m.
Two judges will independently score each contestant, taking into considera+on poise,
personality, appearance, a\tude, par+cipa+on, and ci+zenship from the applica+on form.
Contestants should dress “business casual” as for a job interview (see below for business casual
defini+on) the interview will account for 30% of the final score.
B. Wri`en 4-H knowledge test, July 26th the contestants will take a wri`en test based on
Horse and 4-H knowledge. The test will account for 30% of the final score.
C. Contestants will be asked to Submit a video. Contestants will need to show proficiency in all
skills handling/riding their horse project. Must be submi:ed by July 26th. 40% of the scoring
will be based on horsemanship and general horse handling.
D. The Highland County 4-H Horse Queen/King will be the contestant with the highest total
percentage over all categories. If a +e remains, it will then be broken a bonus ques+on asked
acer the interview.
The new Highland County 4-H Queen/King will be announced on the 1st Saturday
of the fair August 31. +me and loca+on will be determined.
5. All contestants and phases of the compe++on will be governed by the 4-H rules.
6. All Par+cipants entering the compe++on must have the signatures of their parent or
7. As 4-H Horse Queen/King, you will be asked to be available to represent Highland County.
(Example: Annual Hillsboro Holiday parade, Fes+val of the Leaves parade Bainbridge, Ohio. And
Highland Co. Fair, Ohio State Fair, etc.) Must be dressed appropriately at any +me that you are
wearing your royalty sash.
If you have any quesKons, please contact Jeanine Mullenix (937) 205-2764 or
*Appropriate business casual dress slacks or khakis, dress shirt or blouse, opencollar or polo shirt, opKonal Ke or seasonal sport-coat, a dress or skirt at kneelength or below, a tailored blazer, knit shirt or sweater, and loafers or dress
shoes that cover all or most of the foot. Boots are fine if clean.