Milestone #5: Presentation to Advisor / 2nd Reader

Final Report

Project final written report


PPT Presentation

Final Product Course Overview


On July 15, 2020 I successfully defended my practicum project to the committee. The committee consisted of Dr. Kui Xie and Dr. Rick Voithofer. It was exiting reaching the finish line and getting so much closer to graduation from the MLT program. My presentation went well and did not take too long. I went over the components of my project including client background, learning problem and solution and the instructional design features of the final product.

At the end of the presentation the committee asked me some good questions about my background, approach and final product for the client. I answered them well and it showed how much I prepared for this presentation. One of the questions that Dr. Voithofer asked was about how I used what I learned in the MLT program to complete this project. This was a good question because all the courses I took in the MLT program were very helpful and really prepared me for this final practicum. Some of the classes helped me by providing literature and theories that helped me make the design choices on my final project. Other classes helped me with technical and hands-on aspect of creating a project.  Overall, I am glad I was accepted into the MLT program and that I finally reached the end. I am looking forward to a great future and Dr. Voithofer gave me great advice on how to showcase my talent and turn my project into a portfolio to showcase to potential clients, and employers. Again, I want to thank the committee and the entire MLT department for helping navigate these past two years and helping me reach my goals.