Forage Field Day

Do you have questions about your forage stand health and fertility management strategies? If so, you’re not alone. These images show before and after comparisons of a field that benefited from an updated fertility plan. Did you know that for every ton of grass hay harvested 12lbs of Phosphorous and 48lbs of potassium are removed from the soil? How can this information be used to increase stand health, yields, and profitability?

Join us for our Forage Field Day on Saturday, August 28th to get the answers to these questions and more! Fertilizer (Category 15) and private pesticide category 2 (Livestock & Forage Crops) recertification credits will be available. Additional information is included on the flyer. Reserve your spot soon at!

More on nutrient removal rates:

Hops Research Field Nights

Join us at the Agriculture Incubator Foundation in Bowling Green, Ohio for an in-person Hops Field Night and hop yard tour on Wednesday, August 11th! Hear from OSU hop researcher Brad Bergefurd and Agriculture Incubator Foundation hop yard managers Dick Bostdorf (President) and David Little (Chairman) to learn about hop production and integrated pest management in Northwest Ohio. This session is free and there is no registration required. Food and drink will not be provided so please plan accordingly. More information can be found in the attached flyer.

Then join us the following week on August 17th for another field night at OSU South Centers in Piketon, Ohio! Brad Bergefurd and the research team will present on hop production and pest management in Southern Ohio. This session is free and there is no registration required. Food and drink will not be provided so please plan accordingly. More information can be found in the attached flyer.

If you have any questions about either field night, please contact Brad Bergefurd at or call 740-289-2071 x136.  

   Bowling Green Field Night             OSU South Centers Field Night


Join the East Ohio Women in Agriculture Program for a July 14 Field Day in Stark County

The East Ohio Women in Agriculture Program Series will partner with OSU Extension’s Agricultural Safety and Health Program and Mahindra of Massillon to offer a field day on Wednesday, July 14 targeted to local farm women.  The focus of this field day is safety and building hands-on tractor operation skills for registered participants.  The event will take place at Mahindra of Massillon located at 4025 Erie Street South, Massillon, OH 44646, beginning with a meal and networking session at 5:30pm followed by the educational program starting at 6pm.  The program will feature a variety of educational stations designed to allow participants to gain experience with a hands-on activity, via a demonstration, or a knowledge station to sharpen their safety and tractor operator skills.  Cost for the program is $15 and includes a meal and resource packet.  Registration and payment can be made on-line by visiting or by contacting Heather Neikirk at the Stark County OSU Extension Office at 234-348-6145.

East Ohio Women in Agriculture programs are designed to meet the needs of women and young women who are interested or involved in agriculture, food, natural resources or small business.  The team welcomes participation in the field day from anyone who is interested in the topic.  CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on a nondiscriminatory basis.  For more information visit