Our final A DAY in the WOODS program for 2022 will take place via Zoom Webinar on Thursday, November 10th at 3:00 pm. This program will focus on Family Forests and Carbon.
Featured presentations include:
- “Carbon 101”, Charles Levesque – President, Innovative Natural Resource Solutions, LLC and Coordinator, Securing Northeast Forest Carbon Program
- “Ohio’s Family Forest Carbon Program (AFF/TNC)”, Tristan Kinnison – American Forest Foundation
- “Examples of current Forest Carbon projects in Ohio”, Anthony Pappas – Heritage Habitat & Forestry, LLC
For more information and to register visit: https://u.osu.edu/apsley.1/2022/10/25/family-forests-and-carbon-offered-on-thursday-november-10-at-3pm-via-zoom-webinar/