OSU Extension invites crop producers to attend a regional 2022 Ohio Weed University on Wednesday, February 2 from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at the Fayette County Extension Office Meeting Room, 1415 US Hwy 22 SW, Washington C.H., OH 43160.
This program is designed to keep agronomic producers on the cutting edge in weed control for their cropping operations. Topics addressed will include hot topics in weed control, local weed issues, biology and identification of weeds, control strategies, cover crop management in forages, and evaluating herbicides. Hands-on exercises will be included. Featured speakers will include Dr. Mark Loux and Alyssa Essman from The Ohio State University. This is an “in-person” event with a portion of the program being conducted virtually at the above location.
The registration fee per person is $40 and is due by January 21, 2022. Registration Form
This fee includes lunch and course materials.
Pesticide and Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) credits will be available.