The Fourth Annual Growing Women in Agriculture, an Empowerment Celebration will be held on Thursday, March 22nd at St. Michael’s Hall in Fort Loramie (Shelby County) from 6-9 PM. The evening opens with “heavy hor d’oeuvres,” wine tastings, and a chance to mix and mingle. Our keynote speaker this year will be Carrie Mess, author of the ag blog “Dairy Carrie.”
In addition to Dairy Carrie, we will have break-out sessions with Farm Credit Mid-America’s Bev Kremer on “what to bring to the table” when working on financing; Olive Wagar, of Organized by Olive, who will provide tips to organize our lives both at home and at work; Dr. Dee Jepson from Ohio State University will discuss safety and assigning kids tasks on the farm; and self-defense techniques, tips, and advice on being more aware of our surrounding taught by the Shelby Co. Sheriff’s Office. Each attendee will be able to choose two of these sessions.
The cost is $20 per person. A portion of the fee will support women in crisis. The registration deadline is March 9th with breakout sessions being filled on a first-come, first-reserved basis as registrations are received. You can find the flier at or call the Shelby County OSU Extension office 937-498-7239 to have a brochure sent to you.