“It Meats Today’s Change”

I was helping my son write his “Why do you want to be the Brown County Swine Ambassador?” question. I started ruffling through my old 4-H and junior fair files; yes, I still have some of my old applications. Which actually came in handy as examples for him. He did comment that our Ohio Achievement Awards Application was easier than his. It allowed me to take a quick trip around the block and remember my time as county fair and industry (sheep and beef) queens . Yes, we were called queens and males were not part of the industry royalty at that time. As I sat in my office chair reading my Ohio Queen of Beef speech, “It Meats Today’s Change” (printed on a dot matrix printer with a bad pinhead), it was still quite fitting for today’s cattle industry. So I thought I would share it with you in all its 25 year old glory.

It Meats Today’s Change-qbz70s

Even though I did not win the Ohio Queen of Beef in 1993, I was 2nd Runner Up and use my pewter bowl on my desk everyday. Both are a nice reminder that agriculture is ever changing but the goals, principals and standards remain the same. Twenty-five years later we are still focusing on genetics and nutrition to provide a more efficient yield and production techniques to “meat today’s change.” As you do your part to “meat today’s change”, think about the things you have done in the past to make your mark on the ever changing population. Set your goals to “meat” the lifestyle, values, and health of your family and to help others through education and support.

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