Geometric and Arithmetric Sequences

There are two positive numbers that may be inserted between 3 and 9 such that the first three numbers are in geometric progression while the last three are in arithmetic progression. The sum of those two positive numbers is:

  1. 13½
  2. 11¼
  3. 10½
  4. 109½

Note: There are two other numbers that work, but they’re not both positive. If you go about this problem in a suitably erudite fashion, you’ll turn up this alternative solution too.

Continue reading Geometric and Arithmetric Sequences

Cubic to Quadratic to Linear

One root of a certain third-degree equation is 1. When the cubic term of the equation is crossed off, the resulting quadratic equation has a root of 2. When the squared term is also crossed off, the resulting linear equation has a root of 3. Reconstruct the original third-degree equation, expressing it in the form ax3 + bx2 + cx = d, with all coefficients as integers.

Continue reading Cubic to Quadratic to Linear