
Postdoc and technician positions are available.

Oct. Kotaro presents our works at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana.
Aug. Kotaro presents our works at the Argonaute 2025 in Prague, Czech Republic.
Jul. Kotaro presents our works at the RNA Society of Japan 2025 in Sendai, Japan.
Mar. Jacob was awarded the Center for RNA Biology Summer Undergraduate Fellowship. Congrats Jacob!
Mar. Kotaro had a seminar at City Therapeutics.

Dec. Jacob Schwartz (Biochem major) started his research. Welcome to the Nakanishi Lab!
Nov. Kotaro presented our work at Karolinska Institutet.
Nov. Kotaro presented our works at the RNA Biology: RNA Tool and Target in North Carolina.
Oct. Huaqun Zhang presented our work at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting.
Oct. Nathan Finegold (Biophysics) and Jack Gregory (MCDB) started their rotation. Welcome to the Nakanishi Lab!
Oct. Kotaro presented our works at the University of Chicago.
Oct. Our work on gene silencing by cityRNAs was accepted in Cell Reports.
Aug. Mackenzie Dillenbeck (MCDB) started her rotation. Welcome to the Nakanishi Lab!
Aug. Our collaborative work on the cryo-EM structure of DdmDE was published in Cell.
Aug. Kotaro presents our works at the Argonaute Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Aug. Kotaro presents our works at the exRNA-PATH in Copenhagen, Denmark.
Jul. Our NIH R01 (GM138997) was officially renewed!
May. Kotaro was promoted to full professor.
May. Andrew had an oral presentation at the 29th Annual Meeting of the RNA Society in Scotland.
May. Andrew was awarded a Center for RNA Fellowship! Congrats Andrew!
May. Andrew received an oral presentation award at the Interdisciplinary Graduate Symposium in Columbus.
May. Huaqun had a poster presentation at the Regulatory and Non-Coding RNA 2024 in Cold Spring Harbor Lab.
May. GeunYoung graduated.  Congrats!
Apr. Kotaro presented our work at the Laboratory for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Seminar, Bethesda.
Apr. Kotaro received the Early Career Innovator of the Year.
Apr. GeunYoung defended her Ph.D. dissertation successfully. Congratulations!
Feb. Andrew received an RNA Society Research Presentation Fellowship.  Congrats Andrew!
Feb. Kotaro presented our work at the Buckeye Biotechnology Association in Columbus, Ohio.
Jan. Our latest review on the endonuclease activity of AGOs published in JBC.

Dec. Huaqun was promoted to Research Senior Associate. Congrats!
Nov. We defined the length boundary between tyRNAs and miRNAs/siRNAs in Scientific Reports.
Nov. Kotaro presents our work at National Cancer Institute RNA Biology Laboratory Seminar, Frederick.
Oct. Andrew Savidge received a Poster Award at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2023!  Congrats Andrew!
Oct. Huaqun, GeunYoung, and Andrew present their work at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting, Michigan.
Oct. Evan Liu joined our lab as a CBC rotation student. Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Oct. Andrew presented his work at the CMBP Monthly Meeting.
Oct. Kotaro presented our work at Structural Biology Seminar at Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland.
Sep. Kotaro presented our work at Structure, Function and Dynamics International Conference, Waikiki.
Sep. Kotaro presented our work at University of Florida, Gainesville.
Aug. Chin Wang joined our lab as a MCDB rotation student. Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Aug. Kotaro presents our work at Chemistry & Biochemistry Bioseminar, Columbus.
Aug. Cameron passed his candidacy exam.  Congrats!
Aug. Uttam Sharma joined the Nakanishi lab!!  Welcome!
Jul. Andrew passed his candidacy exam.  Congrats!
Jul. Vishal Adhav joined the Nakanishi lab!!  Welcome!
Jul. Our collaborative work on the cryo-EM structure of the SPARTA-RNA-DNA complex was published in Nature.
Jul. Our team (Co-PI) was awarded a President’s Research Excellence Accelerator Grant!
Jun. A new NIGMS Equipment Grant was funded!
May. Audrey Kehling was promoted to Research Senior Tech.  Congrats!
May. Andrew Savidge received the Best Poster Presentation at the IGP symposium.  Congrats!
May. A new NIH R21 grant was funded!  We did well!!
May. Andrew and Cameron present their works at a style=”text-decoration: none;” href=”http://bioserv.mps.ohio-state.edu/cmbpsym/2023/assets/Symposium_Poster_2023_KMF.pdf” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>the CMBP/CRB Symposium. Kotaro gives a talk as a local speaker.
Apr. Kotaro presents our work at RNA-mediated gene regulation 2023 in Barbados.

Dec. Our collaborative work on the significance of Argonaute phosphorylation for miRNA binding was published in Cell Reports.
Dec. Our discovery of the tiny RNA biogenesis was published in PNAS.
Oct. Our discovery of the tiny RNA biogenesis was posted to bioRxiv.
Oct. Huaqun Zhang and GeunYoung give their oral and poster presentations at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting.
Oct. Kotaro presents our recent works at microRNA Symposium 2022 at University of Illinois Chicago.
Aug. Olivia Roumaya joined our lab as an OSBP rotation student,  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Aug.  Kotaro presents our recent works at the Argonaute Meeting at University of Regensburg.
Jul. Our NIH R01 (GM124320) was officially renewed!
Jun. Kotaro’s review article on four human Argonaute proteins was published in Nucleic Acids Research.
Jun. GeunYoung Sim and Kotaro presented our recent works at the RNA Society Meeting 2022.
May. Andrew Savidge was awarded a CMBP Fellowship for the 2022-2023 academic year.  Congrats Andrew!
May. Kotaro spoke about our recent works at the IGP.
May. Kotaro presented our recent work at the Regulatory & Non-coding RNA (CSHL Meeting).
Mar. GeunYoung Sim was the recipient of an MCDB Travel Award to attend the RNA Society Meeting 2022. Congrats!
Mar. GeunYoung Sim was the recipient of a Center for RNA Biology Travel Fellowship to attend the RNA Society Meeting 2022. Congrats!
Mar. Andrew Savidge and Cameron Divoky joined the Nakanishi lab!!  Welcome!
Feb. GeunYoung Sim had her Center for RNA Fellow Presentation.
Jan. Andrew Savidge joined our lab as an OSBP rotation student. Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!

Dec. Mi Seul Park, an alumnus of the Nakanishi lab, was awarded a new early K99/R00 Award. Congrats!
Nov. Kotaro’s minireview article on tiny RNAs was accepted in Front. Mol. Biosci.
Nov. Kotaro gives a talk at University of California, Riverside.
Nov. Madalyn Moore and Shivam Chaubey joined our lab as CBC rotation students. Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Oct. Niyi Adelakun and Yi-Hui Wang joined our lab as OSBP rotation students. Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Sep. Jackson Secor joined our lab as a Research Assistant.  Welcome!
Sep. Kotaro is a co-organizer of the Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2021.
Aug. Cameron Divoky joined our lab as an OSBP rotation student. Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Aug. GeunYoung and Kotaro attended Pelotonia Bike Race.
May. GeunYoung presented our work on cityRNAs at the RNA Society Meeting 2021.
May. GeunYoung was awarded a Poster Prize at the IGP Symposium.  Congratulations!
May. GeunYoung Sim was awarded a 2-year Pelotonia fellowship. Congrats GeunYoung!
Feb. Nipun Malhotra joined our lab as a Research Assistant.  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Jan. We helped the interpretation of the Med13 structure that was published in Science Advances.
Jan. GeunYoung passed her candidacy exam. Congratulations!
Jan. Divyaa received a professional development award. Congratulations!

Dec. Divyaa Bhagdikar joined our lab as a Postdoc.  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Oct. Our discovery of AGO3 activation by cityRNAs was published in PNAS.
Oct. GeunYoung Sim received an Excellent Oral Presentation Award at the RRM2020.  Congratulations!
Oct. Huaqun Zhang joined our lab as a Postdoc.  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Oct. GeunYoung Sim presents our discovery of the different activation mechanisms of human AGO2 and AGO3 at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2020 in Cleaveland.
Sep. Audrey Kehling joined our lab as a Research Assistant.  Welcome back, Audrey!
Sep. Our work on Argonaute2 and Argoanute3 are catalytically activated by different lengths of guide RNA is accepted in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.
Jul. We posted our recent study of AGO3 activation by very short guide RNAs on bioRxiv.
Jul. We were awarded a new NIGMS-funded R01 grant entitled “Structural and molecular basis for cityRNA (cleavage-inducing tiny RNA)-directed RNA cleavage by AGO3” (GM138997).
Jun GeunYoung was awarded a Center for RNA Biology Fellowship. Congratulations!

Nov. Mi Seul passed her defense.  Congratulations!
Nov. Our recent study was highlighted in NECAT News.
Nov. Kotaro presents Studies and applications of Argonaute proteins at Cincinnati Children Hospital Cancer Center.
Oct. Mi Seul Park presents our discovery of water molecules inside Argonaute protein at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2019 in Cleaveland.
Oct. Madhoolika Bisht (Mol. Gen), Ian Price (OSBP), and Christina Ross (MCDB) started their rotation.  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Jul. Our work on Multidomain Convergence of Argonaute during RISC Assembly Correlates with the Formation of Internal Water Clusters is online in Molecular Cell.
Jul. Kotaro presents Structure and Mechanism of Human Argonaute Paralogs at the RNA Japan 2019 in Tokyo, Japan.
Jul. Kotaro presents Studies and applications of Argonaute protein at Department of Biological Sciences, The University of Tokyo.
Jun. Mi Seul Park presents her research at the RNA2019 in Krakow, Poland.
May. Kotaro is tenured and promoted to Associate Professor.
May. Seema Nath joined the group.  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Mar. Mi Seul Park is the recipient of a travel fellowship of the RNA2019 in Krakow, Poland.
Mar. GeunYoung Sim (MCDB) joined the group.  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Feb. Danny left for his new place. Good luck with your postdoctoral training at The Rockefeller University!

Nov. Danny passed his defense.  Congratulations!
Oct. Aaron Natarelli joined the group as a research assistant.  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Oct. Kotaro presents Anatomy of RNAi effector complex and the application to a programmable RNA restriction enzyme at Biological Chemistry Seminar Program in The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
Oct. Audrey  Kehling will present our recent study about human Argonaute proteins in the Rustbelt RNA Meeting 2018.
Oct. Kotaro presents Anatomy of RNAi effector complex and the application to a programmable RNA restriction enzyme at Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Faculty Seminar Series in Indiana University School of Medicine.
Oct. Geunyoung Sim (MCDB) and Janet Milton (MCDB) started their rotation.  Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Sep. Kotaro presents Anatomy of RNAi effector complex and the application to a programmable RNA restriction enzyme at Molecular & Cell Biology seminar in the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
Sep Kotaro presents Anatomy of RNAi effector complex and the application to a programmable RNA restriction enzyme at Biochemistry and Molecular Biology seminar in Wright State University.
Sep. Pablo Vidal Souza (MCDB) and Jamison Law (OSBP) started their rotation. Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Jul. Md Shah Alam (CBC) started his rotation. Welcome to the Nakanishi lab!
Jul. Our recent paper about DISC was nominated as a hot paper at Oligonucleotide Therapeutic Society.
Jun. Our work on Argonaute-based programmable RNase is online in Nucleic Acids Research. This DNA-induced slicing complex, DISC, cleaves highly-structured RNAs.
Jun. Mi Seul was awarded a 2-year Pelotonia fellowship.
Apr. Danny Dayeh is the recipient of the Robin C. Burrell Memorial Fund.
Mar. Danny Dayeh will speak about our Argonaute-based RNA restriction enzyme at the RNA2018 in Berkeley.
Mar. Our AGO3 paper was one of NAR Top Articles – Molecular Biology – in Feb. 2018.
Mar. Mi Seul Park is the recipient of a travel fellowship of the Regulatory & Non-Coding RNAs in the Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory.
Mar. Our work on the selectivity of RNA target cleavage by Argonaute is accepted in Journal of Biological Chemistry.  A possible convergent functional evolution with Cas9 is discussed.
Mar.  Danny Dayeh is the recipient of a travel fellowship of the RNA2018 in Berkeley.

Nov. Our AGO3 paper is one of the 5 most-read papers of Nucleic Acids Research as of Nov. 10.
Nov. Argonaute Proteins, Methods in Molecular Biology (Springer) edited by Kotaro Nakanishi with Dr. Katsutomo Okamura (Temasek Lifesciences Laboratory, Singapore)
Oct. Danny Dayeh is the recipient of an outstanding poster award at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting.
Oct. Mi Seul Park spoke our AGO3 work at the Rustbelt RNA Meeting.
Oct. Our work on human Argonaute3 is published in Nucleic Acids Research.
Oct. Mi Seul Park is the recipient of a Burrell Memorial Fund Travel Award.
Aug. Our first NIH grant (GM124320) was awarded!
Jun. Mi Seul Park is the recipient of a travel fellowship of the RNA Society Meeting in Prague.