Batting Average Raising

A baseball player has been officially at bat 322 times and has a batting average of 0.289 (the number of hits divided by 322 is 0.289). He figures that he will have 53 times at bat for the rest of the season. What batting average does he have to maintain for the rest of the season so that he will end the season with a batting average of at least .300?

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A batting average of .289 for 322 at bats is 93 hits. He will have a total of 322 + 53 = 375 at bats, and he wants an average of .300. That is, he wants .300 x 375 or 112.5 hits. He’d better get 113 hits. That means he needs 20 more hits in those 53 at bats.

Let’s see: 20/53 = .377; he needs to bat .377 for the rest of the season. Lotsa luck!

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